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The time draws closer and closer for the twins to be born and Marcello wants them to be girls but I have a feeling we'll be having boys, but if it is one of each then we each get what we wanted. We got to the office and we worked our tails off. Tanya is even helping she finally found a single man Julio something. He came round a few times the past week to take Tanya to lunch. Seems like a decent fellow. Like now he just came to fetch her for lunch again. The wave at me and I continue to work. Marcello came walking out of his office seeing one of his clients out to the elevator. The talked while they wait for the elevator then shook hands and Marcello heads back in my direction.

'Mr. Valentino, I have your messages.' I hand him his ten messages.

'Thank you, Mrs. Valentino. You look tired love?'

'I am tired, but I have so much to get through before the twins come and I'm on maternity leave.'

'You know princess you don't have to do everything today. If you like you can work from home and you can rest at intervals.'

'Are you sure? I don't mind coming in at all.'

'Yes, I am sure. From tomorrow you will work a half day from home that way you can go and rest when you need to.' He spoke while walking around my desk to pull me out of my seat and into his arms. 

'I love you, Marcello Valentino.'

'I love you more Bella Valentino.' He kissed the top of my hair then kissed my hand as he walks back to his office to call all the people back that is waiting for his call. I continue to work and got all my work done by four PM. Tanya answered the constant ringing phone. I rubbed my belly were our eight-month-old twins were kicking me. I walked to Marcello's office to go give him the documents he is waiting for when my water broke just as I step into his office. 

He was on the phone with his back towards me. I looked down at my wet legs. I looked back up and Marcello haven't even turned around to notice me in his office. I walked the last few feet to his desk and lay the documents on his desk when he turned around and smiled at me as I grip the edge of his desk and had my first contraction. His smile fell from his face. I breathed hard and instantly felt my forehead beaded with my sweat. 

'Tony I have to call you back my wife just gone into labor. Thanks.' He hung up and called Angelo to get the car. Once my pain had stopped did we move fast. We packed up and rode the elevator down to where Angelo was waiting for us. We got in and raced off to the hospital while I had two more contractions. Marcello held my hand encourage me what a great job I'm doing. We raced through the streets of Rome to the hospital. The ER nurse came rushing out with a wheelchair for me as the men got me out of the car in the midst of a new wave of pain. They raced me off to the maternity wing and got me ready so my doctor can come look me over. 

Three hours later and feeling exhausted already my doctor finally came jogging into my room. 

'Sorry for the wait Mrs. Valentino I had three other deliveries to help with.'

'It is okay doctor.' I breathed hard while Marcello held my hand and wipe my forehead with a nice cold cloth every few minutes. My doctor lift the cloth to see what is going on. 

'I can see your baby crowning. Now let's get to work. Are you ready Isabella?'

'Yes.' Marcello got his tablet out to record the birth of our babies.

'Okay, sweetheart on your next contraction push.'

'Okay, I am really tired already and my asthma feels like it wants to activate.' He yelled a few orders and they got me a few things to help me with my threating asthma. My new wave of pain starts and I push. 

'Good work Bella, your babies head is out. Come feel.' He let me feel my babies head. One more push and I have my baby in my arms crying. I kept looking at him. He looks just like his father. I look up at Marcello and he had tears in his eyes. They let Marcello cut the cord and while I still wanted to admire my adorable baby boy new waves of pain started and time for baby number two to greet the world. Marcello keeps filming their births. 

For a half an hour I worked hard and got our second boy born. They are identical twins. We gave them names Michael Marcello and David Thomas Valentino. The nurses took them away and cleaned them up with Marcello's supervision. My doctor finished with me first before I was pushed back into my room. I speed slowly to take a quick shower and got dressed in my pack sweatpants and a sleep shirt before my babies arrived. I just climb into bed when they role in the twins in their incubators into my room. Marcello walked to my side and came to sit next to me on my bed taking my hand. 

'Michael weight in at five point two pounds and David weight in at five point three pounds.'

'Goodness. They're so small. With them so tiny they would probably keep us here for a day or two.' I looked at my smiling husband.'

'Good, so they can make sure the three of you are perfectly fine.' He kissed my hand he was holding. I smiled up at him.

'Oh, Bella. They are perfect that you for working so hard to bring them into the world for us.'

'You are welcome, love. They really are perfect. So how do you feel about us having boys?'

'I'm over the moon, they are perfectly healthy and who can complain about that.' He leans in and gave me a kiss. 'I see you've cleaned up.'

'Yeah, I rushed to be ready when you and the boys return.' He walked over to the boys and carried them over to me I set in and feed them both at the same time. After their feed did I show Marcello how to burp them over his shoulder. Once they were burped did we rock them to sleep, we lay them back in their incubators and just stood looking at them. 

'See Bella they are perfect like you.' He held me to him.

'I thought it was the other way around, love.' He helped me back into bed and I could finally rest. I woke as my chest is close and could barely breathe. Marcello wasn't in the room but I heard him in the hall yelling for help. My doctor runs into my room and listens to my lungs. They put oxygen on me and gave me new stronger medicine for my asthma. Twenty-odd minutes later I could breathe again. Marcello looks more tired then I feel. 

'Come love come lay down with me I would like to feel your arms around me tonight.' He kicks off his shoes then climb in with me and we fell asleep. Two tiny babies were crying in their incubators and it woke me and I set in feeding them again while Marcello just kept sleeping. Poor thing he has gone through quite a lot today. I feed them then rock them back to sleep. I walked into the bathroom to relieve myself then climb back into bed as Marcello turn around and hold me close to him and we fell back asleep. By daybreak Marcello was still asleep, I got up gave the twins each a bath then got them redressed. Then set back in feeding them together. They are just getting more and more beautiful every time I look at them.

'You boys are so pretty and so super intelligent. Mommy and daddy love's you very much.' They just look at me while they drink from me. I kiss their heads. 

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