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For hours I trotted through calve deep snow till I found a village called Willingen and booked into the cheapest room of a hundred euros a night. I called Marcello to let him know.
'Honey are you okay? Are you safe?'

'Yes, I've booked in under the name Olga Snyder in case Marco came looking for me here. I'm in a ski village called Willingen at the Willingen ski resort.'

'We'll be there in a few hours. Stay safe love.'

'I will and you as well love.' We hung up and I go down to the clothing shop and bought myself a new shirt, jeans, and underwear. Gone across the street and bought myself some toiletries and a long hair red wig. I went back to my room and took a nice hot shower got dressed in the clothes I bought and ordered some room service. As I deadbolt the locks on the door of my room after they delivered my two large pizzas.

I sat eating when I finally notice my raw wrists and blue-black bruises on my arms and right shoulder. Five hours and forty-five minutes later that annoying euro police siren filled the air. I looked out my third-floor window and saw the police get out with what looks like Marcello getting out from the back of the cop car. Half an hour later there was a knock on my room door. I took a peek out the peephole and it was Marcello. I open the locks and fling the door open as I rushed into his arms crying.

'My precious princess are you okay?' He asked holding my face in his hands. I just stared into his amazing eyes as I feel my tears roll down my face.

'Yes, I am much better having you here with me love. He... He killed the man that helped him kidnap me without batting an eye. I hid in a tree and saw their whole scene as he killed him and according to the dead man in the eastern woods from here Marco slit the throat of another crew member. I had... had to wait for him to be far away before I could get back down to get the dead man's phone and wallet which I use to book this hotel room.' I babble as the police took down my every word then send out officers in the directions I just said.

Marcello's phone rang and we all kept quiet since it is Marco demanding Marcello pay him fifty million euros before he release me. Marcello kept Marco talking demanding he wants to talk to me and that they are still busy at the bank. The police got a trace and set out to the GPS coordinates immediately. Marco finally just hang up on Marcello but it was too late already. Marcello wrapped me in a blanket then took me home after settling my room bill. My chest have been really aching throughout this whole ordeal. Marcello clearly remembered and brought my medication with him. As we board our jet going back home I took a painkiller for my pounding head then took my asthma meds when we even out mid-flight.

'Is the boys okay?' I asked as we head back home.

'Yes, mom and your folks came round when I called them to let them know of your kidnapping.'

'Get this I came to when I was still in the cabin and when I heard them approach I pretend to be still out of it. The guy asked Marco why he hates me so much and Marco told him why.'

'What? He told the man?'

'Yes.' I nod my head as Marcello took my cold hands and kissed my fingers.

'What did he say?' Marcello wanted to know.

'Here I am quoting him now: "I a gold digger because I turned you against him and he hates me because his charms to get me in bed with him didn't work on me".'

'What are you telling me? He really went off the deep end.'

'While I was hiding up in that tree the word Cifilus came to mind since he had so many sexual partners that's probably why he is acting so crazy.'

Marcello got up and pace the small passage.

'It does make sense and if he doesn't get a shot penicillin then well this is the results of being a man whore.' Marcello spoke out loud. I just sat listening to him figuring out his father. I just wrap my blankets around me a bit tighter then rest my head on the side of the plane and fell asleep.

I woke up back in our room back home. My whole family sat around our bed with Michael and David in their arms. They're talking softly amongst themselves.
'Hello everybody. Look at that my whole world is possible to be gathered in one room.' Their heads turned to me and smiled at my words.
'Oh, Bella your awake good.' My mother came and sat next to me with Michael in her arms. I kissed her cheek.
'Yes, mama. I never thought to stay ultra alert can drain you so much.'
'Yeah, it does when I was in Vietnam in that war there you also had to be super alert and it was very exhausting.' Dad confessed. I just nod my head. Mama Valentino gave me a glass of water to drink then gone off to ask the chef to make me something to eat. I took Michael from mom and held him in my arms as we just stare at each other. Marcello also moved closer with David sleeping in his arms.

'So what happened over there?' My mother asked as Cathrine came walking back into the room.

'I fell asleep here in this room and I woke up in a dark strange room with a killer headache. I heard voices on the other side of the door and from the two voices, I recognized one Marco's voice. I heard them approaching the room I'm in and I pretend to be still out of it when I heard them say I've been out for four days already and that Marco hated me from the start according to him I turned Marcello against him and called me a gold digger because I didn't fall for his charms so he could sleep with me.

Then when they left I started wiggling my wrists over and over to get free when Marco came back to give me more Chloroform to keep me knocked out it almost did work and I held my breath while he kept the cloth over my mouth and nose. Once he was convinced that I had enough did he left again and I felt a bit dizzy from the bit of chloroform I did inhale but got out of rather fast. I finally got the ropes off my wrists and untie my legs.

I saw a bag on the floor of my room and it had one of my jackets with a few blankets and a couple of bottles of water inside and so I snuck out of the window I used a branch to sweep behind myself to cover my tracks in the snow and climb a good distance from the cabin since I guess they will check on me again soon. I was probably in the tree for an hour, hour and a half when loud yelling noises came from the cabin. I camouflage myself with the dark blankets in the tree and watched from above as they walk searching for me Marco and this other guy were walking back to the cabin when they had a huge argument a few paces away from my tree and I could still see them.

Marco got very pissed off and pull out his gun and shot the man killing him instantly with a close-range chest shot then walked on like it's the most normal thing to do.' I saw mother Valentino shook her head as she tries to process what I've just told the room. 'Then I waited a good while to see if Marco was going to come back and when he wasn't I got down from the tree and searched the dead man's pockets and found his phone I called Marcello with and his wallet where I book myself a room under a false name in case Marco came looking for me.' I continue my story as I cover myself and sat in feed Michael from me since he was already in my arms. 

The whole room sat processing of what I just told them. Marcello letter to Michael from me and hand me, David, to feed. Chef sends over our dinners since it was nine in the evening. We all had toasted sandwiches with glasses if milk. Once the family was fed and happy I was back home did they all go off to their rooms for the night. I got up with David in my arms fast asleep and lay him down in this crib next to Michael's. I cover them with their blankets and walked to the bathroom where Marcello busy in the shower. I got in with him when he saw all my bruises. He kissed my bruised shoulder and my wrists. I wash quickly and Marcello got us out and busy drying off.

'Look at what that ass did to you love.' He clenches his jaw over and over out of frustration.
'Hey it is just bruises not scars it will fade away like the memory of this event.' He looks at me and nods his head. I cup his cheek. 'I love you, Marcello Valentino, with my whole heart.'
'And I love you, Isabella Valentino, with all my heart and soul.' I gave him a kiss, then got dressed for bed with a quarter sleeping pill then gone to bed with my husband.

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