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It's 12 December and my folks flew out to us to be with us till New Year. So while we are all in court with the Valentino vs. the State case we have to be in court since nine in the morning. The court session starts and before I knew what hit me I was called to the witness stand and were bombarded with a million of questions. My knees were shaking the whole time as I stood in the witness box.

'So Mrs. Valentino can you identify your kidnappers.'

'It was that man over there,' I point to Marco, 'Marco Lorenzo Valentino along with two other I only heard names of in my kidnapping but only saw one.'

'Is this the man Mrs. Valentino?' They showed me two pictures. I point to the last picture.

'This is the one man you saw ma'am?'

'Yes, but I saw him from the tree I was hiding in they had an argument and then Marco point his gun at this man and killed him with a headshot. I was in shock and feared for my life. I also heard them talk about a guys throat that Marco slit before I came to completely from the drug they gave me.' I lay out the events as I could remember them.

'So you say that Marco Valentino killed two people, ma'am?'


'I have no further question's your honor.' The lawyer spoke and sat back down. The other lawyer stood and started bombarding me with questions that made me go into an asthma attack. It was a really bad attack that a paramedic was called and took me away. Next on the stand was Marcello and I could see he really wanted to come with me but couldn't. Marcello's mother came with me, she's also called as a witness against Marco. We got to the hospital and they looked me over. My chest is so sore and feels like I could pass out at any stage. My mother-in-law had to go back to court and will be back tonight. They admit me and got me sorted. The more my thoughts dwelled on the court case as it triggered my asthma again and I had another attack and then something went wrong and I had a seizer.

I could hear Marcello's voice that is when I got my second seizer.

'Help!' Marcello yelled out my room door. Running feet came to my bedside and they work on me. They gave me something and I calm down. I could hear my mother's voice and it is near tears. My always calm and collective medical mother was in tears. Something isn't right I feel funny. I can hear the boys crying. I have to get to them. I have to take care of my babies. They got me to stop seizing and I drift into the dark. My ears sing and I was fast asleep.

The next time I open my eyes was a few days later and I feel so drained, sore and stiff. It is dark outside from what I can see. I was on my own in my hospital room. My throat is sore and dry and I just want to take a sip of water. I reach for the glass on my nightstand and it slips and fell and broke on the floor. Rushing feet came towards my room. It was Marcello he was here.

'My angel Bella. Stay still love I'll get it for you.' He walked off and brought back a new glass and gave me a straw to drink some water with. It tastes so nice.

'Thank you. I feel like I was run over by bulls what happened?'

'The stress from the court session was too much for your weak body after your two heavy asthma attacks and had a few seizers over a couple of days.'

'What? Are the boys okay?'

'Yes, they are. Our parents all look after them at home while they insist I stay here with you.'

'Good they will be in great hands.' I lay back on my pillow. 'I'm so sorry I made you and everyone worry.'

'Hey, this is not at all your fault princess. We can't always predict what our bodies will do without our consent at anytime.' I nod my head. I hear him. I let him come lay down beside me and we fell asleep where he enveloped me in his loving arms. And so while away from my physical home I am home in my husband's arms.

'So what happened to the court session?'

'After you left they got me on the stand to testify against dad and really let me have it from all the angels you can question someone in. You were right about the questions they ask me. So luckily I was prepared for it and gave them my answers.'

'Good I am glad you were prepared. So then what?'

'Then after I testified, mom came back from being here with you and she testified against dad and they gave their verdict by six PM that evening and send dad off to a maximum prison on the other side of the country.'

'Good.' We fell asleep after that.

My Italian Adventure (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now