16 | Addicts

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"You've got to be kidding me" Melina rolled her eyes crossing her arms over her chest.

Both Eleanor and Kristen were glued to their phones. They were both smiling to themselves, from time to time they would giggle about something on their phone.

"Just a couple more hours until you see Nick you're good" Melina muttered to herself.

"Does anyone wanna help me with my outfit for tonight?" She looked behind her to find them not paying the slightest bit of attention to her.

They continued to type on their phones. Melina rolled her eyes then eyeing her closet, she had no clue what she was going to wear. She wanted to look good but be comfy at the same time, she wanted to look good for Nick.

"So are you guys gonna help me or not?" Melina picked out a couple of shirts from the racks.

She got no reply again, only hearing faint giggles coming from the two.

"That's it"

Melina turned around and grabbed both of the girls phones and ran away with them. There now fishy faces were frowns.

"Melina get back!!" Kristen ordered.

Melina payed no mind to Kristen, just as they did to her.

"Melina! Stop! I was talking to Uriah" Eleanor whined chasing after Melina, El was practically a little baby when she was upset.

"That's the point you guys are just glued to your phones because of these guys" Melina stopped putting the phones on her book shelf, the top one that wasn't the easiest to reach.

"Oh c'mon Melina you know if Nick wasn't on tour but away from you, you would be texting him up a storm right now" Eleanor walked back over to the couch and slumped down in defeat. She was shorter than Melina, no way she was getting those phones.

"You're acting like a mom, what do you want us to do now? Go outside and play in the park?" Kristen sat down next to El.

"Actually that wouldn't be a bad idea.." She trailed off.

"Alright lets go find your outfit" Eleanor immediately headed over to her closet changing the topic, she did not want to go outside..it was too hot and she just wanted to stay indoors.

Melina smiled to herself and guided Kristen with her to the walk-in closet as well.

"Okay so its an outdoor concert, you don't want to wear anything that will make you hot, but you're going at night so it's gonna get cold" Eleanor examined everything in Melina's closet. She was in full try-to-find-a-good-outfit-mode.

She placed down 3 different crop tops, one the color grey, a silk grey and the other the color white. She then put down a vintage Tommy Hilfiger windbreaker with some ripped jeans. Then to finish it off she put down some white converses.

"Alright, choose a crop top" She looked up at Melina who was already trying to decide which crop top she should go for.

"The white one, matches the shoes" Melina picked up the crop top and Eleanor grabbed the others hanging them back into the closet.

"I don't understand why I'm here, she just set up your whole outfit in a matter of seconds" Kristen flopped down onto Melina's bed.

"I just made that!" Melina pushed Kristen off the bed fixing it once again to how it was before.

"Ouch" She stood up slowly rubbing her rear end.

"What are you guys gonna wear?" Melina looked at Eleanor and Kristen who were on the other side of her room.

"Wear for what?"

"The concert, aren't you two going?"

"I'm going to Uriah's place" Eleanor set down Melina's clothes on her chair.

"I got clients to work with" Kristen shrugged.

"Great, you guys are leaving me all alone" Melina slumped back onto her bed not really caring anymore if she messed it up.

"Oh c'mon you have the guys and their girlfriends" Eleanor spoke.

"I haven't even met them yet, I know that Austin had one, things didn't really work out, but I know Edwin's talking to someone but the only real girlfriend was Fiffany"

"Yeah Brandon used to have one, but they ended things awhile ago" Kristen said which caught Melina's attention.

"Really? what happened?" Eleanor asked before Melina could.

"They were together for about two years until something's went down that Brandon didn't exactly agree with, honestly I don't know they full story, it's a confusing situation, none of the guys really understand it either"

Things Brandon didn't exactly agree with? Melina furrowed her eyebrows, she was curious. But being curious could get her in trouble.

"Well I have to go, have fun at your concert" Eleanor hugged Kristen then Melina.

"Yeah I should go as well" Kristen followed behind Eleanor both of them leaving Melina in her room.

It was a bit of a mess since Eleanor was practically throwing the clothes around the room.

ring ring

"Yeah hey!" Her frown now turned into a smile immediately after hearing Nicks voice.

"Yeah I just wanted to tell you, we're about 30 mins away from the venue and you know since your my girlfriend you get early access, so like come through in about an hour or so?"

"Yeah for sure, I'll be there in an hour, see you later"

Melina hung up and put her phone down. Oh shoot, she forgot about the phones, she walked over to the bookshelf but they were both gone. Kristen probably got them, she's pretty tall.

She walked back to her room then taking a shower, dressing herself and then doing her hair and some light makeup.

She looked good, the jacket fit her well and the jeans made her legs look amazing. She put her hair into a low ponytail, she never really did this hairstyle a lot. It was nice to try something different.

She grabbed her small backpack and put in her keys, phone, charger and money, of course. She walked out shutting her front door and leaving her apartment. She hoped no one that would notice her was around.

She got into the Uber she called before doing her hair and they headed to the venue.

Outside there was security already and people waiting outside. Melina was a bit surprised, the show didn't start until a couple of hours or so.

Melina exited the vehicle to be greeted by some fans. She smiled hugging them all and taking pictures. Then she felt a hand wrap around her waist and the girls went crazy.

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Word Count: 1095

VOTE if you want more!
Sorry school and stuff you know, in the summer I swear I'll update almost everyday

Fake Love • Nick Mara Fan Fiction • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now