18 | I Love You

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Nick made it to her apartment but was basically surrounded by paparazzi. They were all asking him various questions, the camera flash was blinding him and he was clearly uncomfortable.  He felt a hand grab his arm, the hand was soft and he couldn't see who it belonged to since his eyes were shut.

"Melina! Melina!" They all shouted calling out for her.

She pushed him into the entrance and shut it before anyone could get in. The glass was like a mirror outside but they could see the outside from the inside.

"Thanks for that" Nick fixed his clothes.

"It's nothing, c'mon" Melina gestured over to the elevator, "So what did you need to tell me?".

"Uh, once we get to your place I'll tell you"

Melina nodded as they entered the elevator. It was silent, neither of them really saying anything. Once the elevator opened Melina headed to her place unlocking it. They both entered and Melina closed it behind her.

"People are starting to find out about the contract" He blurt out startling Melina.

"H-how-""That's the same thing I'm asking, has anyone told you?"

"Well Emi, Edwin's girlfriend" Melina said.


Melina nodded. Nick brushed his hair with his hands, "if this gets out its gonna look bad on both of us..".

Melina understood, she knew exactly what would happen. They both would be seen as liars.

"Does Simon know? Does Kristen know?" He asked.

Melina shook her head, "Kristen hasn't mentioned anything but for Simon, I'm not sure".

Nick didn't say anything, he stood there not sure what to do. Obviously their relationship wasn't fake now, but people would start questioning if anything got out.

"If anything, just clear things up on interviews if they do ask" Melina said.

"Should we even speak about it?"

"Nick if we don't even respond to the situation it'll make it worse, it'll make people even more suspicious"

Nick fell down onto the couch holding his face. He was clearly in a messy situation but Melina was also with him on this bumpy ride. Melina sat down next to him, she took his hand in hers. He wrapped his arms around her and she layed her head on his chest.

He kissed her head as they both layed there. It was late and Melina was tired. Instead of going to bed she layed there on the couch with Nick, her eyes were shut ready to fall asleep in his arms. They we're probably laying there for about 15 minutes Nick playing with her hair and Melina's eyes were shut.

"I love you Melina" those words startled her causing her to open up her eyes. She sat up looking at Nick who was surprised to see her awake.

"I-I thought you were asleep" He stuttered.

Melina's lip slowly curved up into a smile, "I love you too Nick" His lips also curved up into a smile.

Melina leaned in kissing him, she sat on his lap while he had his arms around her waist. This kiss was different, it was slow and passionate they both took their time. Melina finally pulled away and looked into Nicks eyes once more. His body heat radiated off of him giving Melina shivers down her spine. She loved the feeling of him near and she loved looking into his Hazel eyes.

Melina got off him but stayed on the couch with him cuddling.bThe couple rested peacefully with no interruptions. She was happy and comfortable with him, she really liked this feeling. He nor she wanted this to end. Suddenly he didn't want to go back on tour.

Fake Love • Nick Mara Fan Fiction • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now