27 | Before The Date

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Melina walked into the house, how come she couldn't keep friends? First it was Tori and now it's Eleanor and Emi. What did she do wrong? She had been Eleanor's best friend for years but why would she leave Melina for Emi.

She couldn't let that whole situation bring her whole mood down. She set down the things she got from target down on the kitchen counter and took out the items. She had gotten a face mask and much more.

She was excited to try the face mask since this one was peel off, she's only tried the clay ones. She entered the shower and used the bathbomb she bought from Lush. She put it in without taking an Instagram video unlike everyone else.

The bath was warm and cool and relaxing. She looked over at her phone, Melina couldn't help but feel a bit hurt that neither Eleanor or Emi had texted her since the run in. She closed her eyes reminding her, todays the big date and that's all that matters.

In the 40 minutes of her bath she did everything she needed to do to get ready for this date. She stepped out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her and checked her phone. Vincent had texted her, he sent a picture of the new born baby.

The message under the picture said his name was Mike. She smiled at the thought of her being an aunt, she was an aunt! She couldn't wait to meet him.

She sent back a quick text before setting it back down. She put on some shorts and a sports bra. She had a bit more to do before she put on the dress.


"Place is yours" The owner handed Nick the keys. He gripped onto them smiling. He looked at the rides that were on. No one was on them but having the rides on made the whole place look magical. It was like an alternate universe. Not many people get to see this sight.

"You want the red cloth or white cloth?!" Brandon yelled from where the table was.

"White cloth!" Nick yelled back.

"Zion! He said white cloth!" Brandon yelled over to Zion who had just gotten out of the car, he had a couple of bags with him.

"But he said red cloth!" He groaned looking down at the bags he carried. He had picked up red cloth, no one told him anything about white cloths.


Zion groaned walking back to the car to exchange the red cloths for white ones. Nick examined the whole date set up. He set up a walkway made of wood to the table where the couple would eat their dinner. It was right in front of the Ferris Wheel. They would go up there and kiss foreal and Noah would take some pictures. He had this whole thing planned it out. It had to go well.

The flowers Brandon picked out were in the center of the table. Nick had gotten some professional chef to come and cook some food for the two. You could smell that amazing scent of the food he was whipping up.

"You guys better leave me left overs once you come back to the house" Brandon licked his lips thinking of the food.

"Things is, we're not coming home tonight. I rented out some house in the hills, killer view, I'm hoping we can spend the night there" Nick rubbed his wrist.

"You're gonna-""I don't know yet, if it happens it happens if it doesn't then I'll have to wait"

"I'm gonna go find Noah" Brandon headed towards the direction where Noah was setting up. It was behind a coupe of carnival games. He had the camera set up on a tri-pod.

"I don't understand why you wanted me to do this for them and why you're here" Noah said looking through the camera making sure the focus was right.

"Nicks like my best friend no matter what, I'd help him" Brandon looked down at the grass below his feet. It was dry, it hadn't rained in weeks.

"Even if-""yes"

"You'd don't even let me finish" Noah looked back at him.

"I knew what you were gonna say"

"You even gonna tell him?"

"I'm not sure..."

"All I'm saying is it's better to tell somebody than them finding out, them finding out you kept something from them makes the situation much worse" Noah always had some advice to share but it wasn't any different from what he's heard before.

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Word Count: 762

IM SORRY OKAY I haven't been updating as much but I will update more soon just exams!! I have a lot on my plate at the moment, Vote for more!!

Fake Love • Nick Mara Fan Fiction • CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now