What's Wrong?

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I felt like crap when I woke up one morning.

I groaned and sat up.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked from his spot on the floor.

Patrick and Joe were spending the night, I forgot about that...

"I don't feel to good." I groaned again.

"Hey now... don't get us sick!" Joe said, pulling Patrick closer to him so Patrick wasn't close to me.

"WHY AM I ALWAYS THE ONE TO GET PUSHED OR PULLED NEXT TO OTHERS!?" Patrick asked, pushing Joe away from him.

"Because you're fun sized and cute!" Joe said, pulling Patrick back over to him. "You're also cuddly and portable!"

"Stop cuddling me, Joe... I think you have issues..." Patrick said.

"Only when I'm tired..."

"Hey, guys! We're here!" Pete walked into my room, Andy following quietly.

Pete froze at mg bedside and stared down at Patrick and Joe. "THEY'RE SO CUTE!" He cried jumping on top of them.

There were two loud "OOF"s.

Andy shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Gay much?"

"Gay... my friend..." Pete stood up. "... is not a synonym for shitty! You gotta have gay pride!" Pete walked over and slung and arm around Andy. "Do you have gay pride?"

"Gay as in the happy gay? Or gay as in I like the same sex gay?"

Pete shrugged. "Either one..."

"Then yes, I have happy gay pride!" Andy said, looking at me. "Are you okay?" he asked.

They seriously just noticed I'm clutching the life outta my stomach (if my stomach were even alive...)!?

"Yeah, peachy! Carry on with goofiness!" I said sarcastically.

"Cool!" Pete cried, jumping back on top of a still cuddling Joe and Patrick (Patrick was trying to get out of Joe's grasp when Pete landed on them).

"Get up, you idiot! Your girlfriends in pain and you're squashing the midgets!" Andy said.

Pete pouted and sat on the bed next to me.

"Respect your midgets!" Patrick cried, pushing Joe away.

Joe feigned hurt and turned his back to Patrick.

"I think we should get you to the doctors..." Pete said.

"Nah..." I said. Then I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, puking my guts out.

Pete walked in behind me. "Yeah..." he said.


"Well..." the doctor started.

"Give it to us straight, doc!" Pete said dramatically.

The guys and I stared at him.

Patrick Andy and Joe clapped. "Well done, bro!" Joe said.

"Thank you!" Pete smiled at them.

I rolled my eyes and looked back at the doctor. "Ignor them... They're not important." I said.

"You're pregnant." the doctor said.

Pete looked at me. "THEN I AM VERY IMPORTANT!" he cried.

"I'm guessing you're the father..." the doctor asked.

"Depends... are you gonna ask my age?" Pete asked.

"Now I am." the doctor said.

"B!" Pete cried.

Everyone in the room was staring at him now.

"That's not even a number!" the doctor said.

"G38!" Pete cried.

"HEY! THAT'S BINGO!" Patrick cried.

"So you're thirty eight?" the doctor asked.

"Hell No! Do I look that old!?"

The doctor looked annoyed. "You can go get the ultra-sound..." he looked at Pete. "Yes or no? Are you the father?"

Pete nodded. "Unless she slept with someone else..."

"No..." I said.

"Then yes... I am the father!"


"We need to tell them! I'm not waiting!" I said.

"But they'll kill us! Me harder than you!" Pete whined.

"No they won't." I kissed him.


"Well, you did say not to get pregnant at 15... I'm sixteen now!" I said.

"So you did this on purpose?" my mother asked.

"It wasn't exactly an accident... the baby part was..." I mumbled.

"I can't believe you got pregnant! AT SIXTEEN! You can go on that sixteen and pregnant show!" Hailee said.

I glared at her.

She cleared her throat. "I need to go call Blake..." she jumped up.

"Wait... Blake? Anders?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Hailee said.

"Since when are you two all buddy-buddy?" I asked.

"Since you and Pete hooked up!" she smirked and ran off to her room.

"Pete," my mom and dad looked at my boyfriend.

"Yeah?" Pete asked.

"Get out..." my dad said.

"What? No dad, you can't..."

"I can and I will... watch me! GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HOUSE AND STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTERS!" My dad yelled.

"Fine... whatever, I didn't wanna see my child anyways..." Pete kissed me for what I thought was the last time and walked out of my house.

I turned to my parents. "I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY!" I yelled before running off to my room.

(I know it's short... I SOWWY! :( I'm so hungry!

-PSILY! <3)

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