۩ - Chapter 13

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"Diana? Diana!? What are you doing?" The voice of Natasha came through her comm loudly.

"I am helping! What are you doing?" The Amazon shot back in distaste as she then scaled the side of a building, waiting to strike. As Diana's so-called prey drew nearer she readied her lasso and as the Leviathan came barreling past her, she threw the now glowing rope at the monstrosity, basically tying the damn thing to the building. "A little help here!" Literally, seconds after she said that a powerful thunderbolt struck the Chitauri. The Leviathan was smaller than the others and so the lightning was powerful enough to turn the thing to ashes.

The electricity buzzed in the air as Diana looked up to see a man. It was Thor, the same boy from her childhood. 'Of course, he would be here, remember when you made up a person and snuck into the meeting room?!' She thought to herself while having a duh moment.

As Thor's stormy blue eyes met with the woman's warm chocolate he realised that she was not Bellona, rather she was Diana, the Amazonian Diana, his Diana. A boom sounded from somewhere, snapping the deities back to reality.

The lightning powered people launched themselves into the air and both let out bursts of electricity down onto Chitauri surrounding Cap, Nat & Clint as they descended from the charred beast.  Thor landed albiet shakily as Steve asked him, "What's the story upstairs?"

"The powers surrounding the cube is impenetrable." He replied, walking towards the Captain.

"Thor's right. We gotta deal with these guys." Tony Stark said over the comms.

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked Cap, relying on his advice.

"As a team." Diana stated bluntly, the words cutting through the tension as the new element of team work was added, her eyes searching for any more of the monsters.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." The Norse God said.

"Yeah, get in line." Clint told Thor while adjusting some of his arrows.

"Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us..." Steve said, taking control and making extreme hand gestures.

Just then, a strange looking guy, Bruce Banner, or the Hulk, arrived on a small motorcycle. Getting off, he looks around and spoke, "So, this all seems horrible."

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