۩ - Chapter 9

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Staring down from the tall tower made everything feel tiny, like the human race were just little ants in need of protecting. A grin soon wore off as Diana saw the man in the shiny red and gold suit fly to the tower with his own name written in glowing blue.

Of course, it was Tony, Natasha had called her to say they were heading for the city, though when a small explosion came from the top of the tower, Diana only stared in shock, her nerves slowly reforming as ones made of steel.

The brunette woman rolled her eyes, of course, Loki would place the portal near the centre of New York, the most obvious place being Stark tower, with the vast amount of space on top of the building, not to mention Tony probably managed to get on the unhinged god's nerves. Meaning that there would at least be a slight tingling of vengeance, and wanting to get back at the billionaire.

Turning her gaze back to the city once more, Diana resumed her creative stare, spotting the unique, once in a lifetime kind of beauty held by the city and it's aesthetic. She raised her gaze upwards taking in the pale blue, semi-clouded sky. Looking around the vast blue, on the ground you were never able to get a good view, too many cars, people and big ugly buildings. 

From up there you could see it all. The blue sky, the birds, the statue of liberty, all of the parks and nature strips and the people bustling about, living their lives.

The Amazon raised her head gracefully, an anxious expression crossing her face as she looked around, waiting for the next thing to happen. The twitching feelings of the muscles in her wrist kept her on her toes, soft beads of lightning flying around for a little bit, causing the pain to leave slightly, as if her body reacted to her powers being in use, like she was acting on instincts to protect and defend, so it could get rid of the twitch and start functioning normally.

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