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dals pov

i was walking down the street when i saw some little kid gettin jumped by socs. they were pinning him against a fence.

one of them punched him in the gut. he held his stomach, but didn't make a sound. he looked rather small.

for someone his size to be able to take a beating like that, it's rare. i then realized i was watching this kid get beat to death.

i walked over, nonchalantly, and said casually "leave the kid alone" i didn't freak out much. it wasn't uncommon to find a kid gettin picked on, but i had to keep my cool.

they turned and looked at me. they recognized me, apparently. one of them kept a blade pointing at him. "yeah? what are you gonna do? protect your boyfriend?"

i scoffed. i didn't realize how mad i was until i put him in a headlock and continually punched him.

i moved onto the others and they finally decided to leave him alone. they got back in their fancy-ass car a sped away.

i looked at the kid, he has tan, black heavily greased hair. he had a few light freckles across his cheeks. he was on the ground catching his breath. "what's ya name man?" (*heavy sigh* rEfErEnCeS😤🤧😫😤😫😫😫😤😫🤧)

he said almost whispering "johnny cade" i couldn't even hear what he said "johnny cake?"

he said in a louder voice "johnny CADE" i smirked a little "cool, i'm gonna call you johnnycakes." he nodded sheepishly

i held out my hand to help him up. he took my hand and i pulled him up. he stumbled a bit and i helped him keep his balance.

"are you okay, man?" he nodded "yeah, i'm used to it." used to it? huh.. "you sure can take a beatin" he nodded again. he's a real quiet kid. "here, i'll take you somewhere and you can get fixed up, alright man?"

he nodded, once again, and fixed his jean jacket collar. i started walking to the curtis house and made sure he followed.

we went inside and everyone was in their usual spot. two bit on the floor watching mickey, steve, soda, and darry were all at work, and pony was in his room.

"hey two bit, this is johnny. he was gettin jumped." two bit looked at johnny and waved. he waved back.

"two bit is never serious, so don't believe anything he says, alright? if he pulls a prank on you just let me know. i'll beat his ass" he nodded and looked at me a little frightened.

"yeah, and don't piss dally off. he's killed too many people for lookin at him the wrong way" two bit snapped back. i shot him a glare, as a warning.

"so your names dally? i never heard of that." he laughed a little. "naw my names dallas. and i got a pretty long criminal record." i said proudly

my record was the only thing i was proud of. and i sure as hell didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

"you got any cuts?" he shook his head and sat on the couch. "alright, you want anything to eat?" he hesitated, then said "i'm thirsty.." "you want water? i'm sure darry's got milk or something. and beer"

he kinda made a face when i mentioned beer, like he had something against it. "just water please" "yeah alright"

i got him some water and sat next to him on the couch. he scooted closer to me, like he wanted me to protect him.

i looked at him and noticed he was blushing a little bit. he looked at me "thanks for earlier.."

"yeah, it's no problem" he rested his head on my shoulder and soon fell asleep. i put my arm around the couch. and i soon also fell asleep.

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