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dallys pov

pony rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen. i shook johnnys shoulder, wanting him to wake up. 

he sat up instantly. he looked scared. he looked up at me and relaxed.

"you scared me, man." he sighed and rubbed his eyes. "are you okay?" i slightly made a face, not sure how to react.

"yeah, just scared me a bit." he put his head back on my shoulder.

"hey, uh, when you said you were used to gettin hurt, what'd you mean?" he looked up at me. he bit his lip slightly. "just my parents. it ain't that bad though"

i furrowed my eyebrows. "your parents hit you n shit?" he nodded "but it's okay, i just go to the lot."

the lot.. didn't know anyone went there anymore.

i didn't exactly know how to act. he's a sweet kid. course he don't deserve it.

maybe that's why he's been close to me. he needs love.  he's lost.

i didn't realize how long i'd been quiet until he spoke up. "and.. if you don't like me clinging onto you just tell me."

i shook my head. i didn't mind, and i didn't really know why i was being so nice to him. he was still looking up at me, admiring me, sort of.

he looked away and blushed. "you want somethin to eat? i can make you something." he nodded.

i stood up "cmon kid, they got eggs, toast, cake, shit like that" he followed me to the kitchen. i looked around naming stuff.

he finally decided on cake. i cut him a slice and handed it to him. "here's your cake, johnnycakes" he grinned and blushed while taking the plate.

he sat down at the table and started to eat. i took my jacket off and sat across from him. his eyes diverted to my arms.

i stifled a laugh. "so.. tell me about yourself, kid" "well.. my names johnny.. i'm fourteen.. um.. that's pretty much it."

i nodded "well, i'm dally, i'm fifteen, and i basically live here. so does the rest of the gang."

"gang?" "yeah, there six of us. me, ponyboy, sodapop, darry, steve, and two" "i know pony.. and i've met two, right?" i nodded

"pony, soda, and darry are brothers. the rest of us are just hoods who bum around here."

"oh.. how olds darry?" "18, he's the oldest. everyone but me is in school."

"why aren't you in school?" i scoffed and laughed "baby, you have got no idea half of the shit i do." he blushed at the nickname.

"can i be in the gang?" his eyes seemed to light up. he took a bite of the cake. "sure. i'm sure the curtis' don't care."

"so.. tell me about the gang.. like what're they like?"

"well.. i'm considered the 'ladies man' and a criminal. pony's.. well pony's smart, he's twelve. he likes books and shit like that. soda, he's got his looks.. he's almost fifteen. he works at a gas station with steve.. he's optimistic. darry's an athlete, captain of the football team, actually. looks just like his dad."

"where are they?" "work." he nodded again. "what about the other two?"

"steve's fifteen. he's got a thing for cars. he's pretty cocky, too. sodas best friend. and two bit, the alcoholic, wise-cracker, no job, sixteen year old bum. he's my closest friend out of all of them."

he nodded. "pony seems nice. i've seen him at school. always has a book in his hand." he laughed. "the curtis parents, they're sweet, especially mrs curtis."

i rubbed my jaw since it was sore. probably got hit there, who knows?

"so.. you're a criminal? you seem sweet for a criminal."

"he ain't sweet!" "SHUT YOUR TRAP, TWO" johnny flinched at me yelling.

"dal.. quiet down please.." i sighed and leaned my head back. i lit a cigarette and took a drag to calm down.

"can i have one?" i lit one and handed it to him.

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