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the church was on fire, and there were kids inside. pony ran in. i tried to grab johnnys arm, but he got away. they were rescuing kids, and i went in to help.

we got all of them out, but johnny and pony were still inside. "GET OUT THERE." pony got out.

then the roof collapsed.

with johnny inside.

johnny screamed for help. i went inside and pulled him out. an ambulance came, and seeing johnny burnt.. it broke my heart.

the kid never did anything wrong, yet he got punished. he suffered from third degree burns and a broken back. the doctor said he'd never walk again, if he survived.

i tried ignore the 'if'. i couldn't lose him. i had a burn on my arm. pony was fine. the jacket i gave him saved his life, apparently.

johnny wasn't doin very well. i just laid in bed. i wanted to see him. i wished we could go back, to when we would lay in the lot.

when we'd reassure each other it's gonna be okay.

when id comfort him after his parents would get to him.

when we would tell each other stories.

tell each other it's alright.

but i knew, it wouldn't be alright. if h-.


he'd be in a wheelchair. he's paralyzed. busted his back. wouldn't be the same.

i just prayed and hope for the best. prayed that he'd be alright. praying that we could fall asleep together. praying that i could have him in my arms.

deep down, i knew. he wouldn't be alright. and neither would i.

i was ready. ready for death. ready for when johnny dies. for me to be with him.

lost//jallyWhere stories live. Discover now