Chapter VI - "Is there a problem my King ?"

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The following morning, Sigyn woke up in her comfy bed. Loki probably teletransported her at some point. She opened the curtains and by looking at the sky she could tell it was really late. The young godess' heart jumped in her chest.
She quickly washed herself and put clothes on.
She was heading straight to the runway where she thought everyone could be.
She rushed into someone and immediately recognized her twin.
-So, how was your evening sis ? Had fun without me ?
-‎Oh Nep please, you have thanked God ten times that Loki delivered you from me yesterday !
-‎Hun hun, I don't thinks so ! You left me, your date, for this...thug ! I wasn't having any fun. One second you were desperately looking at me, the second after you were lovingly staring at him.
-‎And this young girl you were hitting on ? Didn't she satisfy your lack of me ?
-‎Maybe a bit... he answered with a playful smile.
-‎Problem solved ! she declared and continued her road to the room.
-‎Where are you going ?
-‎In your opinion ?
He sighed.
-I'm coming with you.
He followed her silently.
-Something happened yesterday ? he asked.
-‎No, she simply answered.
-‎I understand that you're mad, but you can't take it out on me.
-‎I'm sorry, she said turning around to take his hand, I'm so stressed out...
-‎Don't worry, we'll be there for you.
-‎Thank you.
They arrived in the room. The god of mischief was standing in front of his brother, mother and father. Sigyn was about to run at him when she saw them. The goddess walked calmly to them, and bowed at them. She took her sight away from Loki, trying to ignore him.
-Lady Sigyn, Odin started, what a pleasure to see you ! What brings you here ?
-‎You know why she's here dear husband, the Allmother said with an amused smile.
-‎I'm greeting the people that are leaving, she responded neutrally at Odin, before turning at Frigga and smiling at her.
-‎Yeah, sure, her sister said, arriving behind her.
-And you ? What are you doing here, sister ? Asked Sigyn
-I come to great the Prince, she answered as she smiled at him.
Loki looked at her and hugged her tight. Beyla laughed slowly and they smiled at each other. Sigyn choked and faked a cough.
-I'm going to miss you, fair Beyla.
-I'll miss you too, dear Loki.
Thor glared at them. Beyla turned at him, and said with a smile while she was still in Loki's arms :
-Is there a problem my King ?
-None I can see right now, he answered, gritting his teeth and glaring at them.
She walked to him and Sigyn noticed she took his hand, making him stop to frown to Loki.
-Well I think it's time for us to leave, we have some important things to do, the Allfather declared. My son, I hope you'll meet my expectations in Alflheim.
Loki tilted his head. His mother threw herself at him, and they hugged.
-Be safe, I love you.
He nodded, moved by what she said.
The rulers left the room, after everyone bowed at them.
Sigyn was still embarrassed and a bit jealous about what Loki did with her sister.
-Come here, a soft voice said in her ear behind her as two strong arms wrapped around her. She turned to face him, trying to extirpate herself from the hug.
-What is it ? Are you jealous my lady ?
-I am not "your" lady, she replied frowning.
-Now, now, can't I greet a friend of mine ?
The goddess rose an eyebrow.
-You know you are exquisite when you do that, he said as he lead themselves far from the others.
-Do you say the same thing at my sister when you're tasting her lips ?
-Oh oh ! Come on, I am leaving and you're mad at me ? To say the truth, I was just trying to get your attention !
-Get my attention ?
-You were ignoring me !
-Your parents were here ! I didn't want them to notice I was staring like an idiot at you !
-Ha ha ha ! Who cares ?
-You should show a bit more respect to them.
-First, it's not like my father respected me sending me away. Second, I do what I want.
-Ooooh, Prince Loki does what he want ? she repeated, mocking him.
-Exactly, and if I want to do this..., he began as he was coming closer to her face. don't do it ! she finished as she freed herself of his embrace.
He smiled, undismayed. She walked closer to the group. He followed her.
-I did it also because Thor's face was priceless, he added mimicking the god of thunder's frown perfectly
-Fair enough, she laughed, quickly followed by her sister and brother.
-I have to leave too, Thor declared, ignoring their joke.
-Much good may it do you brother !
-Oh come on Loki ! You know I'm gonna miss your face of snake !
-As much as I am going to regret your stupid face !
They embraced each other, tapping each other's back.
-Don't do anything stupid brother, I don't want to have to rescue you as always.
-When have I ever done something stupid ? Plus, you don't come to rescue you me, I handle problems really fine by myself.
-Oh really ? That's why you're called the greatest liar of Asgard...
-I swear I won't do anything stupid, he declared staying serious.
Thor left, followed by Beyla who blew a last kiss at Loki.
Nep stood there, the other two awkwardly waiting for him to leave them. They were saved by Thor and Beyla screaming :
-Nep ! Come with us, I need you for something...
Nep turned to Loki and said :
-Please, be prudent. I still want to beat you in a fight !
That was the best he could do, Sigyn was aware of it. Still, she thought that everyone would miss the god of mischief, including her brother.
Left alone, the two young gods threw themselves into each others arms.
-It will be far less amusing without you behind me always boring me...
She slapped his arm.
-Hey ! I am not boring you !
-Who are you to say so ?
-Yes well, find a light elf to kiss when you'll be there.
-Sorry, but we still haven't kissed if my memory is good.
She rose her head to look at him, a bit surprised he spoke so honestly. She decided to just let it go and hug him.
-You're really the best. And I'm going to miss you. A lot.
-Practice a lot, when I'll come back I want a real adversary !
-I will be !
They looked at each other without saying anything then Loki took her face to kiss her on the forehead.
-Remember for now that's all that we can give each other, but wait for me Sigyn, or else I'll come to take you back by strength.
She laughed, tears caming into her eyes.
-Be safe, I beg you.
-There's nothing to worry, everything will be just fine.
She nodded, giving him a last embrace.
He entered the ship, turning back one last time to impress her smile in his head.
-Have a nice trip. And send me ravens !
-I will milady.
She felt the tears coming, and suddenly a warm embrace. Loki was next to her, gripping her hand so tight. An illusion of course. She looked at him as he dried the tears with his warm hand.
-Don't cry, I am always with you, the silhouette said before vanishing in the air.
She stood still, waiting for the ship to be a small black dot in the sky. She sat on the cold floor, and didn't stand up before feeling her stomach begging for food.

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