Chapter II - "Trust yourself"

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Yes, right, Thor is going to become king. All that seemed...a bit rushed. Yes he was old enough to rule, helped by his father of course, but maybe he wasn't mature enough...
Sigyn's thoughts were interrupted by a hand posed on her shoulder : Thor. Speaking of the devil...
-I see you're talking 'bout me. He looked even stronger than when he left. He had a radiant smile, to which she answered with an amused look.
She nodded.
-Of course my King ! Of what else ?
-Come on Sigyn, I will never be anything else but a friend to you !
She smiled even more. Thor was really a kind man, and he would probably do a great a few years, when he would have learnt how to be a bit less arrogant.
Sunddenly, a horn sounded. Sigyn had a warm feeling of satisfaction running in all her body : it was practice time. She was oh so ready to do some work out.
-I think you should go, said Thor, sounding a bit frustated.
-What is it ? Beyla asked.
-I don't think you'll see a lot of me in these days, my father is preparing me to be a proper king, as if I wasn't already born with him telling me how to act as a monarch... he said rolling his eyes.
-Well, it seems like he didn't teach you how to be modest... snapped Beyla.
Loki and Nep tried to hide a chukle, while Sigyn definetly didn't refuse a good laugh.
Thor turned to the sisters and grumbled :
-There's a good reason if you're called the "Witty Sisters"...
The ladies exchanged a look, and winked at each other.
-Anyway, it's time for you to practice ladies, interrupted Loki.
Sigyn looked at him incomprehensive.
-You meant 'it's time for us to practise" ?
-I meant what I said, Sigyn; don't you think it's only fair if we can rest a bit after that mission ?
-Hum, no ? the young girl responded.
-I must agree, added a voice behind her.
-Mother, said the two princes, without even kneeling, and walking straight to her.
Loki embraced Frigga so tight it seemed she would fall into pieces, fast joined by Thor.
-My sons, I've missed you.
Sigyn was moved by this scene, the princes were really closed of their mother, and the young goddess has always liked the relationship between her and Loki, their love being so strong.
-So, should we go ? the Queen asked, after her sons had let go of her.
-Really, I have to practice after the mission Mother ?
-I don't see any reason why not...his mother answered. She took Sigyn's mother arm, and they walked away, talking about mom's things, though they looked concerned, but then added :
-Thor, your father is waiting for you. Don't be late !
He grumbled something, and then followed his mother.
-See you later guys.
-I am definitely not doing "Weapons" today, said Loki.
-Me neither, Sigyn added, more to spend time with the god of mischief than because she didn't liked "Weapons". In fact, she did like this category, even though she had always prefered "Magic".
The practice times were precisely schedueled. And today, the participants had to chose between "Weapons" fights and "Magic".
-I'm coming too, said Nep, clearly because he wanted to try for the umpteenth time to win other Loki.
Sigyn smiled. No one was able to defeat the Prince, only Thor was as strong as him in "Magic". And her brother wasn't really skilled with that... In fact he hadn't showed up any ability yet.
-You have to learn to accept defeat my friend, said Loki. The only reason for you to win today would be because I'm tired...
-I know what you're doing : trying to hide your lack of talent with poor excuses, Nep replied.
Loki's smile became more wicked, and he said, accepting the challenge :
-That's it !
They were facing each other, ready to fight, but Sigyn walked between them.
-Listen. Can't you both wait the end of practice to fight ? I mean, there is basically a time for that...
-‎Wise words sister. I'm gonna kick his butt even harder !
She rolled her eyes and lead the way to the practice field. It was full of green grass, in order to damp a fall.
There, was Frigga, patiently waiting for them.
-Mother ? You didn't tell me you were helping us today, her son said.
-‎I'm mostly here for Sigyn, I want to try something with her.
The person concerned walked to her, followed by Loki and Nep, Beyla walking away to join her best friend who was doing some weapons training.
-What do you mean Frigga ? Her brother asked.
-‎Your sister really has became stronger in magic while you were absent. She now knows how to do a fire as good as a Loki's one ! (Sigyn turned to him, all proud, to see how he would react, and while she waited for a fighting look, all she saw in his eyes was admiration.) And I would like to test her, with something new.
-‎Now I am excited, Sigyn replied, all ears.
-‎I want you to try illusion magic, she said, with a mysterious smile.
The young girl nearly chocked. Illusion magic, as in being able to create anything ?!
-I am oh so ready !
-‎I don't think that 's a good idea...
She turned to her brother and glared at him.
-Hum hum Nep, there is no way you are getting into me and magic, you know how I love it, and I know that you think it's dangerous because you can't manage to control it, but since you've went away, I did amazing progresses, and I think I am ready to use illusions.
She felt a bit sorry, she went a bit too harsh on him, but it was true. Without her brother constantly stopping her to do too strong tricks, she was becoming so good. She never really known why her brother was acting like that with magic. Was it jealousy ? Fright ? Misunderstanding ? A mix of all ? The fact was that everytime she tried to talk to him about that, he changed subject.
The goddess looked at Frigga, who was displaying her smile.
-You're not ready for what will come !
What was the Queen thinking about ?
Loki exchanged a look with her and seemed to understand exactly what she was planning. Her mother took a bit of distance and said :
-Now, try to defend with what you already know from my attacks.
-‎Not to be pessimistic but, I don't stand a chance against you...
-‎Trust yourself, Loki whispered in her ear, making her shiver.
Sigyn turned to Nep, he didn't really looked preoccupied, but he had noticed that quick exchange of look between Loki and his mother and seemed ready to intervent if his sister would be in danger.
Frigga first threw a fire ball that her student transformed into air by protecting herself behind a wall of water.
But she immediately regained to attack her, this time, using illusions. Sometimes the Queen was multiplicating herself, sometimes hiding behind her, sometimes throwing fake projectiles to destablished Sigyn. The young girl was countering as she could, using the elemental magic. She was sometimes glancing at her brother and Loki, to see their reaction. They both seemed really impressed, giving her confidence. But one time she looked at them, she couldn't see Loki. Trying to stay focused on her fight, she searched around her, and when she turned back, he was standing right in front of her, two daggers in his hands.
-Sorry Sigyn, you lost ! He said before stabbing her right in her abdomen.
Sigyn was so surprised that she screamed. And without realising it, she transported two meters behind, leaving an illusion of her where she was standing a second ago.

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