Dance with the Plague(part:7)

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So yeah my dog is gone my heart is broken and I need a way to kill some sh!t.

With You

As I left the room I noticed a bright light outside.

I walked out seeing a man in red.

???:no speedsters here!

He looks around and lands on Me.

He stand there and in a flash of red lightning he dashes at me as I wraith he stops an I form behind him and grab his neck and threw him into the wall.

???:your strong.

He said as he got up. I took my hellfire and aimed as he disappeared in red lightning as I wraithed agiang from and attack from behind.

I left off a shot in his abdomin. Cause him to fall over.


I said turning over his body seeing the blood rush out.

Y/n:where are you?

I said as two more of him appeared. I shot both of them leaving to more corpses.

???:kill me not once but three times., what are you?

Y/n:I began and have no end.

???:and I end all that begins.

I wait as in a flash of red lighting he appears in front of me.
I stand calm as he starts to vibrate. And he starts generating more lighting in the shape of bats.


I wait for his attack he sends in it me I began.

Y/n:(Death God Spectral claw)

He send him brage off bats as I slash my hand sending 3% of my power at him. my attack aborbs his it hits his chest feeling leaving a preminate scar on his soul.

He was left on the ground in agony I walked closer.

With my shot gun in hand. As he kneels up to me.

???:you beat me?

He says as I aim at him.


I hear as I look to mt side seeing mavis.

???:end me you fool!

He yells out as turn to her. She looks at me with a sad face.

Mavis:let him live.

She said walking up to me.


She smiled.

I stood there looking at her and shot him in the head.

I seen her face change from the smile into the sad face.

As I slowly fade away into black.

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