"Where are you going Haeyeon?" She asked Haeyeon as she tied her shoelace infront of the door.

"Uh, bye Mom. I'll be back at 6 or something"  She said as she closed the door immediately when she reached outside.

Downtown the skyscrapers shone silver in the morning sun and the sky was an unbroken backdrop of blue. But she felt  like a crestfallen person in behalf of this fine Saturday. Because I can tell you she've never felt more empty in mind, body or soul, never so bereft of any comfort. She have never felt so worthless or disposable, never so wretched and cold. Days became weeks and months, and in every single moment of every single day, there's a question inside her head, asking herself why she exist  when she's  such a useless human who doesn't deserve even a bit of this world.

After a few, she looked at the empty seat beside her, reminiscing the old times—the happy ones.

''Ma'am, we've now reached the destination. It'll be 1500 krw''

Haeyeon handed  the cash to the driver then took her step out of the cab.

She ambled through the narrow lane between several fleets of bungalows and chalets on either side cemented with an uneven stretch of glossy, varnished cobblestones.

Haeyeon was visiting her and her grandparents' bondibg place. The white stucco bungalows on the sides were tinted with peeling lemon colored paint at the corners, just like the old days. Several blotches and stains of coffee and brown colored sludge were splattered over the walls. There were steep stone steps leading towards the bungalows obstructed by lofty gate made of flaking rusty iron.

There were a few aged residents strolling along the stoned street supported by wooden walking sticks, glasses slipping down the bridge of their noses due to the greasy and slippery wet they were drenched in.

Behind them was a crowd of teenagers chortled at some joke quoted by their leader who was a well portioned boy with untidy hair wearing a T shirt that read "I am Superman" and a pair of rugged levis jeans.

There were groups of small children playing around a fountain near the heart of the vicinity while their mothers stood beside chattering loudly as if no one was listening. She inhaled the fresh air then walked further. With just matter of seconds, she already reached the destination and soon swept  the headstone that stood in front of her soul.


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