The university is kind of different today, the hallways are dark marble floors and white walls, not a hand print or scuff mark anywhere. The doors are a glossy black, numbered with silver digits that match the globe shaped handles. 

But just like the other days, it stank. The odour of the stale urine curled from under the restroom doors, depressingly mixed with deodorant and body odour in equal measure and another day of tedium rammed down my throat with the keen sting of stress - always the tests, always the reporting, always the reminders of the consequences of failure.

"Ms. Jo, why are you late?", greeted Mr. Shin with a bit of disappointed look on his face obvious because of the curl of his eyebrows.

"Sir, it's traffic. What, are you expecting me to fly from my house to the school just like superman?"— Haeyeon answered calmly, may sound sarcastic but is truly not.

"Nice answer Ms. Jo, and because of that you'll be passing a special project today after class since you've failed the  Test
and late for the billionth time!", shouted Mr. Shin as he handed her papers with a big red F on the upper right side.

Haeyeon tried to ignore her Professor  and looked for an empty seat near the back door but there was none. The seat beside the wall is also taken. The only seat left was the third seat in the second row, beside a white haired—the stranger from yesterday?

Mr. Pale Man's my classmate?
All this time?
How come—

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