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You were at the airport. Reaching an hour earlier was not as fun as you had thought, you had thought of reading a book while you were there but soon you got bored and started observing people around you. You started thinking of your new life in Seoul. You had heard of Seoul, and you were definitely eager to see what it had. Moving from LA to Seoul was not an easy task though. You had to pack tons of things because you were going to Seoul for an year, as an exchange student for learning music production and you were pretty excited to see the city of Seoul, since you had searched for so many places to visit. The announcement invaded your thoughts, "Plane 936 is ready for departure." You got up picking your bags and started walking to the desk where you had to show the passport. The kind lady behind the desk, let you in. As soon as you got inside, you were relieved to find that you had a seat near the window. Less interaction with people, you thought. You weren't the type that would go on parties on a Saturday night, you would prefer staying in and having a series marathon or something. Introvert. Somehow, windows had always fascinated you, and the fact that you were going to see clouds through this window made you feel better. Clouds were your favorite part of nature. Clouds resembled both a positive and a negative feeling. Negative because it could spread over an area and make it dark. Positive because it has the power to save people from the scorching sun.
You sat on your seat and soon you saw a few men entering the plane, something quite peculiar about them was that they were covered with hoods, masks and caps, which almost made you feel like they were some kind of invaders. They look like they had been running, all of them half-panting half- relieved that's when you counted them. Seven men. One of them came nearer to you, you could see that he was 70% legs, and suddenly a deep husky voice asked "Is anyone sitting here?" You hesitated and said "N-no". He put his bag in the compartments above the seat, took off his mask, you stopped your mouth from dropping at his beauty. You could see the other men doing the same behind you. When you looked at all of them, one by one you couldn't believe how beautiful they were. The plane took off and you were still not prepared for this journey with this man.

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