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As soon as Tae and Kookie went away, you opened the bag they brought you, inside there was your red couloured pen drive which you had given to Yoongi before, and also an envelope, looking at which you were quite confused, you opened the envelope, and started reading the letter in it.

Dear Y/N,
I heard all your tracks and they are amazing, the beats, the bass and everything is on point. It sounds like really good because you poured your heart into it. I am really impressed with your use of Jazz in track no. 3. You can get a lot with this. If you want, you can even audition in bighit once your academic year gets over. I bet Bang PD-nim would like it. Work more until then. Fighting. ~hearteu~

Min Suga

You were mesmerized by his words and you couldn't believe it that he said you could join freaking BIGHIT. With your day all delighted, you started getting ready for school. There were clouds outside but you didn't think it will rain because the sun was peeking from time to time. You had your breakfast and started walking to school. After walking for a while, you heard a familiar voice calling you, "Y/N! Y/N! Wait! I am coming!"
You turned around only to find Jackson running to you and you smiled at him. "Where do you live Mr. Jackson Wang?"
He pointed to the building beside yours, "There, just beside your building."
You just smiled at him and then realized, "Wait how the fuck you know where I live?"
"Because I saw you from my window last night, you were working on something on your laptop, mostly some track."
Okay, Y/N you need to keep your curtains closed.
"Yes I was working on a track but it would have been nice if you told me that earlier."
"Oh come on that wouldn't have been fun!" Jackson replied.
You just rolled your eyes and kept walking. The day went on and if it wasn't Jackson with you would have been bored. But thanks to Jackson's extra ass and his pranking other people.
You saw Jinhee during the break she was with some other girls from her class and you tried to wave at her but she ignored you and suddenly Jackson asked, "Who's she?"
"My roommate."
"Really? And she can't even wave at you? Oh, she doesn't know she's at a loss of beautiful soul." He said while chewing on his hamburger.
"Stop being cheesy Jackson. Just eat that hamburger." You rolled your eyes at him.
The lectures were long. In the last lecture Jackson kept joking on the Professor's accent. When the bell rang, the sound was shadowed by the sound of thunder outside indicating it was raining and the lecture went on for 7 minutes more since our Professor didn't hear the bell. "Any doubts?" He asked us.
Jackson stood up and you were thinking what he could ask.
"Sir, it's already over. The bell rang long ago. Just let us go." Everyone in the class chuckled.
"Did it? Is this one of your pranks Mr. Wang?" Jackson shook his head furiously. The professor checked his watch and picked up his books. "All right, you can go." He said and left the class.
Jackson had brought an umbrella but dumbass you didn't. When Jackson opened his umbrella, you saw another figure holding an umbrella approaching you. He came near you and said, "Hey Y/N, I thought I would walk you home and since it was raining I brought an umbrella." He said in his raspy voice. You could already feel the butterflies in your stomach. Everytime your name left his lips, you were captivated with his beauty.
You snapped out of your paradise, when Namjoon asked, "Who are you?"
"I am Jackson, I am her classmate and her best friend." Jackson replied.
"Oh, it's nice to meet you, Jackson. I am Kim Namjoon.  Aren't you from GOT7?"
You could see him frown from the corner of your eye but he quickly plastered a smile on his face. You knew it was fakeu because his dimples weren't showing.
"Oh erm,... yes! You are from Bangtan right? Your new song is amazing!" Jackson said.
"I am glad you liked it, we-" You cut off Namjoon, "Jackson fucking Wang you belong to a group too? You fucking asshole you didn't tell me-"
"I think Namjoon you should take her home, I will talk to her about this later." Jackson said, smiling at Namjoon.
"You fucking piece of shit-" You couldn't say anymore as Namjoon covered your mouth with his hand and pulled you with the other.
"How can he do this? And says he's my best friend." You rolled your eyes.
"Relax, Y/N there must be some reason, for a while let's forget about and enjoy this rain." He said while opening the umbrella. You grabbed his hand, and told him, "Nope, don't open it, let's actually enjoy the rain."
You stepped out with Namjoon's hand still in yours. And you both started running towards the gate. When you finally reached it, you both stopped and took your time to relax.

hen you started walking holding hands, and it was amazing how you both didn't pull away, you thought he would but he didn't. His touch warm against your skin, you felt like that's what you needed all your life. Finally you reached the same cafe, "It's cold, you want to have coffee?" Namjoon asked. You nodded. You both went in and ordered your coffees. Sipping your coffees, you saw the rain had stopped, you and Namjoon again went on, and finally reached home. "Thank you so much Joon for accompanying me!" You hugged him and he was a bit surprised but hugged you back anyway. You waved your goodbye to him and continued walking and when you turned around you found that this Namjoon kid was jumping around, he didn't see you, you continued to walk smiling like a fool.

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