[] C h a p t e r 3 []

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One time ago, A small white skeleton brought to the Anti-Void by Fate. Fate smiled at the white skeleton, Wrapping it's arms around his head.

The skeleton sobbed in tears and kept thrashing around, Begging Fate to bring him back to his home. He kept yelling at Fate, He wanted his family back. He wanted to have his happy life back. He wanted to meet his brother. But Fate didn't seem to care.

"Now you are the new destroyer of the world~ Dear My Destruction~" Fate whispered and disappeared from existence as if they were never there. The skeleton child cried desperately.

Years within years, the skeleton body slowly became black. Blue tears stained on his face, Creating like a few streaks of it. He was going a little insane due to the loneliness in the empty void. He started getting all the voices talked to him too, Due to his insane state. His body started to glitching due to not eat, drink, sleep, taking shower and worked to hard.

He is a complete mess.

He had tried many things to end his life. Such as poisoning himself, Burnt himself, Not letting himself eat/drink/sleep, Hung himself, Stabbing himself, Drowning himself underwater, Scratching himself and mostly that didn't work.

"Why would I still alive in this world?"

"What had I done in the past till I deserve this?"

"Even if I did something, Please forgive me... Please... Give me mercy... I just want to doe peacefully."

He gave up, Everything is broken. He couldn't end his life somehow. He started destroying universe, As Fate told him. He started keeping the balance. He started to do his forced job. It's a broken path.

"I'm tired... I wanna sleep... Forever. But I can't..."

But each time, He felt some tinging warm wrapped around him, Giving him warmness and comfort. He just couldn't figure it out what is it till a voice whispered to him softly.

"Even tho you didn't enjoy doing this job, Just do it. For the sake of monsters... Even tho they didn't see the kindness inside you... Just let it happen... Sometimes it's better not to show the kindness and just let it all flow by itself...

Everyone is good... Sometimes not all paths seem easy. Sometimes complicated path leads you to a happier life and ending. Just keep in and do it... For me... Please.."

He only just could listen to the voice, Sobbing silently. He hated himself that he agreed to that soothing voice. He smiled a little, "Just because your path are right, Doesn't mean that my path are wrong. You just haven't see it from my way." He mumbled quietly.

" He mumbled quietly

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Broken Path [] ErrorWhere stories live. Discover now