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- N I G H T M A R E

I will keep listening to their conversation if there is something useful that I can use against them. I creep behind the door as I stalk every single of their conversation quietly. Maybe I will get something informative to use against them in the future. Heck before this whole multiverse collapses into pieces by pieces.

"Finally Error died. We could live in peace now." I heard someone said as I growled softly, Clutching my left hand, Trying to keep silent. As you can see, I have a short temper and patience. I could got easily mad if someone disturb my peaceful moment or talking about someone else in a bad way. If you want someone to stalk the star sanses, you need to send someone who have a large patience and could escape easily if someone find them. Like Cross.

"Well only Error dies, The bad sanses haven't die yet. Our world isn't in peace yet." I growled a little. What are they planning to do? They want to destroy us too? They sure don't want any balance for this world. Don't they know about the balance? I am pretty sure that they will target us later, After celebrating their victory of killing Error. I am sure that Error isn't dead, I still can feel his negative emotion, Somewhere...

"Hey! At least we get rid of Error! Error is the strongest here and we get rid of him, So at least the bad sanses power will reduce by a huge percentage!" I heard a third person said happily and they are so confident. I wish I could plug their mouth to shut them out of their confidence. I also know that person has a tint of proudness in their tone. They sure get rid of Error, But they don't kill him.

I could felt his negative emotions, So I knew Error wasn't dead. His aura was so close with me but his body was so far till I couldn't reach him at all. It feels like stars. It was so close to us till we can see it clearly with our bare eyes but it also was too far from us till we can't touch it with our hands. That's what I'm feeling right now if you don't understand what

"Yea. True. We need to plan our next move on the bad sanses later because we don't want anymore chaos in this universe." The first person spoke as they agreed with the third person who just popped out randomly. Their emotions were filled with confidence, proudness and happiness. I don't like it at all, there are too many happy emotions here. that's what making myself more weaker.

"Yeah! We should tell Ink about this! Maybe he could help us and get rid of Nightmare's gang." I twitched when I heard my name being said by those filthy sanses. I hate someone talking about me behind my back, that's what always happening since I was born. Everyone likes Dream and always compliment him, Giving him lots of presents and celebration parties. If there's party, They will always invite Dream.

They never invite me a single bit. They always give me insults, Throwing rocks at me when Dream was away and kept abusing me. Just because I'm made by negative emotions, It doesn't mean that I don't deserve kindness. What had I done to them till make them hate me so much? What had I ever done to them? Tell me! None. I only protect the black apples to keep the balance, I stayed silent and distance myself from everyone for their sake.

I read lots of books while trying to kill the time, I don't want to talk to people. I never want to talk to them. They are all monsters, I didn't do anything and they keep torturing me. Throwing rocks and lots of stuff at me, Telling me to kill myself. They said I'm a mistake that was created and nobody like me. heck I didn't even like myself, i know I'm filled with negativity and sorrow, But that doesn't make them right to torture me.

Dream never notice about this. I want him to notice my pain but at the same time I didn't want him to see my pitiful frame with that disgusting pity look. I hate people giving me pity, Wait... Has anyone pity me? No! They hate me and want me to die. So the day happen and I snapped, I want to kill myself and I can't hold it anymore. I want to end the pain and suffering by killing myself. Everyone even agrees, no one even dare to stop me.

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