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- E R R O R

What the hell I drag myself into now... I was in Melody's house. Melody offered me and the kids to visit his home and stay at there for a few days. I declined but the kids kept begging to go there. Now I was stuck in this place with Melody in front of me, Staring at me while smiling at me. The kids were in the spare room, Sleeping peacefully.

"...Uh..." I stuttered, This is currently awkward since I've never stay in someone's house or living for a few nights. Melody's house was quiet simple. A green sofa with a small table in front of it which placed some foods and drinks. Across the table was a television with a remote. At the end of the right, There's kitchen. If you go to the left, You will find a bathroom.

If you go upstairs, There's a spare room where Null and Void slept in. I supposed that was someone's room before they left because it's a mess instead of empty. I asked Melody who's room is that but he avoided my question and just said that it's just an empty old room. Beside the spare room was his room. Well I haven't see his room yet.

Melody clapped on purpose to get my attention, I looked at him as soon as possible. "So... You've never mention your name, What's your name?" Melody opened a conversation since this place is an utter silent. I appreciate it because he tries to break the awkwardness between us. "Error." I answered.

He must be afraid in 3... 2... 1...

"It's a nice name! I've never heard of that name before, So it makes you unique!" He complimented. He haven't hear my name before? I guess it's nice? At least he won't call Ink since he didn't know me. I sighed, Once again silence filled the room.

"Your kids are cute, What do you name them?" I flinched a bit. It wasn't my kid, I don't adopt them either. But I did name them. I guess I need to find a daycare soon so there won't be any misunderstanding. I also can't take care of the kids, I don't know how and I would be a bad parent. They deserve better and deserve all the best even if that wasn't the best.

"They aren't my kids, I found them being abused. I try my best to help, That's all. By the way they are Null and Void... Do you know any daycare near here?" I asked.

"Yeah, It's just a few blocks away. PJ's daycare. I heard every kids happy with that daycare." Melody answered. I smiled a bit, At least I'm finding a good daycare that's near here. Everything for the kids, That's all matter.

- M E L O D Y

I frowned a bit, Knowing that Error will put the kid away. It's written all over his eyes, bruises, a stone posture and his hands. His eyes kept looking away from mine. His bruises showed that he had gotten fights in the past and might be suicidal. His body posture was like a stone, Didn't move an inch, He looks tense. His hands kept rubbing and squeezing his shirt.

I think he was abused or was a criminal till he couldn't take the kids with him. He didn't want the kids in danger and want the kids to be save. He is a criminal or not, I don't care. He has heart and have feelings, He is a living being. Everyone is the same, I like him the way he is. But I think I need to fix a few of his habits or attitudes.

First off I need to get know of him more and try to make him comfortable. I think he doesn't like to be touched and always step away from me if I get closer. He doesn't eat or drink at all this day, I need to make him eat or drink something at least. He also needs healing, I saw the bruises were dirty and half closed. I didn't want an injury guest in my house.

He also needs to learn to be calm and relax. He always tense around people. He always put his guard on every time I want to touch him silently. Musics can help him, I'm sure of that. I smiled softly at him when he raised an eyebrow at me for being silent. First off from all... HE NEEDS TO TAKE A BATH BECAUSE HE IS STINKY AND DIRTY!!

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