Chapter 8

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Nothing. No red smoke appeared around Rue as she activated it again. The painting in her arms grew heavier with each step she took. "Why didn't I drop off this painting..." She grumbles. Her eyes slowly closed from tiredness, but she jolts back up. Rue shakes her head and walks back the way she came from.

* * *

Ella and Dante enter the home imporvment shop. She drags him towards the bed sheets and looks at all the colored ones there were. "Just get a white one and get it over with!" Dante sighs irretated. Ella smiles at a hot pink one and picks it up to show him. "Let's get this one!"

His face dropped in total shock. "Hell no, we are getting a white one and that's final! It's my money!"

"Nahh, I think this totally fits your taste!" Ella smirks. Dante growls at her but then he remembers something and smirks. "But, Rue won't sleep with that color."

Ella growls and puts it back. "Got ya babe," Dante smiles in victory.

But Ella smirks as she picks up a dark purple bed sheet. "This one!"

"Not going to happen!" Dante grabs a white bed sheet. "We're getting this one!" He takes out his wallet and walks towards the counter, but she runs towards him and grabs the wallet. "Sucker!"

Ella laughs and pays quickly for it. After that she gives the empty wallet to Dante. "And no returns~!" Ella sang. They both walked back to the shop and they see Rue and Nero waiting at the door.

"Hey, what took you guys so long? Did the old man hurt his back on the way?" Rue jokes and laughs. Nero laughs also at the words 'old man' since he usually calls Dante that.

Dante slightly glares at her. "Well you should be glad that I didn't let Ella buy a hot pink bed sheet."

Rue stops and pouts. "Fine I'll stop," she then looks at the bag that Ella was holding."What color did you get then?"

"Dark purple." Ella smiles and so does Rue. They all enter the shop and got ready to sleep. Dante was to sleep on his chair behind the desk and Nero on the sofa while the girls slept in Dante's room.

"I still can't help but think that Dante would have loved to see the pink sheets set up on his bed." Ella says turning to Rue.

"I bet." Rue agrees.

"I can here you!" Dante calls from down stairs.

"You know they're right." Nero teases.

"I've got an idea." Ella whispers to Rue.

"I hope your thinking what I'm thinking." Rue replies.

"You know I am." Ella says with an evil smirk.

"You know people never guess it but you can be real scary at times." Rue says.

Ella just shrugs and steps out of her shorts to pull on a pair of fuzzy pants, Rue does the same.

Then they here a clunk against the door. "NERO CONTROL YOUR PERVERTED BROTHER!" Both the girls yell.

"He isn't up there!" Nero yells back and he and Dante grab their weapons.

Ella grabs both her guns and sets them up ready to shoot while Rue grabs the Devil's Grave.

Ella and Rue look at eachother and nod. Ella slams the door open knocking the person over and points the gun. Right as she is about to shoot the intruder talks. "Please don't!" She looks down and notices that it was the little blonde girl from earlier.

"Sorry." Ella says and offers the girl her hand.

"So do you just shoot everything that moves?" The girl asks grabbing Ella's hand.

"Rue and I established that shoot first and ask later is far more effective on the things you need to kill." Ella responds and sets her guns back down.

"False alarm boys." Rue calls down.

"Patty i told you to go home." Dante says irritated.

Ella and Rue grab their brushes and some hairties as they tie their hair up for the night.

"Leave the girl alone Dante." Ella hisses.

"Geesh, you don't even know her and your defending her." Dante states.

"Us girl gotta stick together." Ella says and slams the door in his face.

"You can sleep here tonight, got new sheets and everything." Ella tells Patty.

"Thanks." Patty says and the three girl lie down into the bed and drift off to sleep.


A few hours later the girls get up to start their attack on the two sleeping forms down stairs.

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