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It was an early morning and the guys were packing some supplies into the Mark-Mobile to bring with them to this strange location Randall had given them. Ryan was so excited. He was finally going to meet his birth parents.
"Hey Ry-Guy. You ready for this?" Mark asks his little brother.
"As ready as I'll ever be." He answers.
Just then Harris shouts something from outside the robot. "Okay guys! All the supplies are in the car. We're ready to go!"
"Woo! Road trip!" Spyder yells. The brothers laugh and head outside. Little did they know this was not going to be a good time. They were going to have to fight for their lives.

Okay this is the epilogue I try and put one of these in all my stories. This is gonna he a good one trust me! Anyways thx for reading and see ya in the next chapter.

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