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Ryan was laying on the ground unable to get up and Mark was still cuffed with the gag in his mouth. Just then Leader stood up and was about to walk away when a group of villagers burst into the cabin, pitchforks in their hands.
"Justice!" They all shouted.
"What's going on here!" Leader yelled.
"You are torturing this poor child. Leave him alone!" They all chanted.
"But he can cure you!" Leader pleaded.
"We'd rather stay sick then harm an innocent hero!" They protested. Then they grabbed Leader and threw him into the basement and liberating Spyder Harris and Randall
"Thank you." They said.
Harris ran over to Mark and untied him and removed the gag from his mouth. Mark immediately ran over to Ryan and lifted him up.
"Ry? Are you alright?" He asked. Ryan didn't answer all he did was squeeze Mark's hand.
"Come on we should get back to the mech." Harris said.
"Are you coming Randall?" Spyder asked.
"No, I need to stay here with them, I am also planning a funeral for Violet." He said starting to tear up. He walked over to the weak Ryan and gave him a long hug.
"Goodbye for now my son"
Ryan squeezed his fathers hand as well.

Once they were back in the mech they ran Ryan over to the med bay where Harris started a scan on him.
"So what's the damage?" Mark asked.
"Well he is completely drained, is half his normal weight, small blood loss, an elevated heart rate, some cracked ribs and lots of bruises." Harris finished.
"Wow" Spyder said.
Mark walked over and hugged his little brother.
"It's gonna be alright Ryan. You'll be better soon" he said with a smile. Ryan smiled back before drifting off to sleep...

I know. Wait what? Why is she ending it already? That was so short! I'm sorry but I've grown uninterested in this story so there is probably one more short chapter and my next book will be a series of one shots cause I feel like they are less commitment. Anyways thx for reading byee!

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