The deadly cure

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The boys had just found out that Ryan now had the power to cure all of these poor people, and among them, his mother.
"What do I have to do?" Ryan asks.
"Well all you need to do is connect to the patients brain and absorb their technopathic cells. It's kind of like when you connect to your robot" the leader explains.
"But we don't know what harm it may cause you Ryan." Randall explains.
"Well the cure is here and we have to test it!" Leader yells. They were taken back by his sudden outburst of rage. Mark for one, did not like how this man refers to his little brother as an "it" or "the cure".

They went into a cabin, that was apparently the clinic and Ryan saw a woman that looked very familiar. He figured it must have been his mother. He ran over to her and grabbed her hand.
"Ryan, this is your mother, Violet. Ik sure this is not how she wanted you to meet her but well here she is." Randall says.
"She looks so..." Mark started
"Sick" Harris finished.
"Okay how do I help her." Ryan asked.
"Woah there kid, she's too weak you need to test it on someone younger." The two men behind leader left and came back shortly after with a little girl.  She didn't speak. She just sat down on a bed and awaited treatment.
"Okay so all you have to do is connect with her." Randall says. The leader was hovering over the patient watching Ryan closely in a creepy sort of way.
"Harris. I don't trust that guy" Mark whispers to Harris.
"Me either." Harris whispers back.
Ryan takes a deep breath and places his hand on the girls head. He uses his power to connect with her brain. It hurts. Really bad.
"AGHHHH" Ryan screams. The little girl feels no pain however and once Ryan is finished he falls to the ground unconscious. The leader pays no attention and instead turns to the girl and asks her a question.
"Did it work?"
"Yes sir."
The others rushed over to Ryan.
"Ryan! Bro! Wake up!" Mark says.
Ryan starts to stir.
"" he says so softly it's barely audible. Just then the leader rushes over and grabs Ryan.
"Hey! Let him go!" Mark yells.
This causes Ryan pain. He yelps.
"No! I have the cure. The cure is mine!" Leader yells.
"Leader. Calm down. Let him go. He is hurt. He can't cure you if he's hurt." The leader nods and drops Ryan to the floor.
"Let him rest but take one of his friends to the barn basement so he won't leave." Leader orders. Spyder, being the closest to the guards, is grabbed roughly and cuffed him. They dragged him out of the room.
"Spyder!" Mark and Harris yelled.
"Leader this has gone too far!" Randall yells. The leader then points to him and he is cuffed and taken away as well.
"As for you two. I want Ryan to have someone to wake up to. So, I will leave you here but you will be cuffed so you cannot escape." Leader says. More guards then come in and cuff the two boys and sit them down on a bed beside Ryan.
"Stay." He orders the boys. Then he walks out of the room.
"Mark what do we do! That guy is crazy!" Harris yells. He's very scared now.
"I don't know..." Mark answers.
Just then Ryan wakes up. His first sight is his brother and friend handcuffed to a bed and his dad and Spyder missing.
"What...what happened?" He asked.

Okay this was a bit of a longer chapter. For those of you who know I try to keep them between 400 and 500 words. Anyways thx for reading! Bye guys!

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