The village

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The boys were in the Mark-Mobile having a good time and singing along to the radio when Mark turns down the volume and says
"Well we're here."
"Woah this place is so...uh empty?" Spyder responds.  They all get out of the car and then Randall comes running over the top of a hill.
"Hey" Ryan says.
"Hello son." Randall replies.
"So this is the town huh" Mark asks.
"Oh no it's down a little farther, but I need you to put all of your electronics in this bucket. We can't have any in our town." Randall says. The boys obey and place all of their technology in the bucket.
"Okay I'll take you to meet them now." Randall says. 
"Them?" Ryan questions.
"Yes. The others who were experimented on." He replies. They all walk down the hill and into the tech less town.
"Woah this place is creepy" Spyder tells Harris.
"Dude stop! They can hear you" Harris says.
"Randall where are we going?" Ryan asks. Just as Randall was about to reply a tall muscly intimidating man walks over. Behind him is two other buff men.
"Hello Leader." Randall announces.
Leader was the only name the others knew their leader by.
"Randall. I see you have the technopath with you." He replies.
"Yes, son this is our leader." Randall yells Ryan.
"Hi there." Ryan answers.
The other three boys stay silent for now.
"Umm where is my birth mother?" Ryan asks. After all this was the reason why he was here.
"She is in a cabin Ryan. Unfortunately, she is very sick and her condition is worsening." Randall answers.
"What do you mean sick?" Ryan says, concerned.
"Well when that wretched scientist (Leo) experimented on us, the side effects included a deadly virus that makes us allergic to technology so we had to leave our families and come stay here, away from society." The leader responded.
"Oh my, that's awful." Harris spoke up.
"Yea" The other two said.
"And your mother, Ryan, is very sick. She might not make it through the night." Randall says sadly. This news deeply pains Ryan. He has waited so long to see her and now she is going to die soon. He is thrown from his thoughts when leader says this
"But you Ryan, you can save them!"

Okay another pretty boring chapter but like the action starts next chapter. Thank u for reading and I'll see you in the next one!

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