The monster

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"Hello my little monster. Are you ready to cure?" Leader asked Ryan. He didn't actually care about the answer though.
"What did you call him!" Mark yelled.
"A monster. Which he is by the way." He replied. Ryan just sat there looking at the ground.
"He's no monster. He's a hero!" Spyder answered for him.
"What hero would refuse to cure innocent people if they had the power to do so. See he's a monster." Leader answers.
"He's just being smart because he knows that if he dies, then no one will get cured!" Mark says back. Ryan had been silent during the conversation, until now.
"'re the monster..."
"Excuse me. What did you just say." Leader says, his tone growing angry.
"I...I said you're the monster. You took me and my friends hostage. You took my dad somewhere too. And my mom." Ryan said.
"You know what fine. You don't wanna cure anyone else. That's fine, but if you want to save your brothers life, you will cure me.NOW." Leader yelled. With that he grabbed Mark and put a crossbow to his chest.
"Lets go." With that the three walked out leaving Harris and Spyder in the basement once more.

Leader threw Mark in a cabin and strapped him down to a bed. He got one of his guards to hold the crossbow over him. He then sat down on the other bed and explained to Ryan how this was going to go down.
"You're not going to be able to cure me as easily as the others."
"Why not." Ryan asked.
"I was the first experiment. That's how I became Leader. The virus weakened in every experiment but it is the strongest in me. When you cure me, the virus will be so much it will either really make you sicker and paler or it will kill you." He explained.
"No!" Mark yelled but the guard smacked him in the face with the crossbow to get him to be quiet.
"Choose Ryan. Your life, or your brothers."
"Ryan...don't. You're the only one who can pilot. They need you." Mark pleaded.
"Hurry up Ryan!" Leader yells.
"Fine! I'll... I'll cure you." Ryan says.
"No!!!" Mark screams. Just then the guard shoved a gag in Mark's mouth to get him to stop screaming.

Leader sat down on the bed and Ryan prepared himself by touching his temples and starting to absorb the cells.
"AGHHH" Ryan screamed out. Leader was right this one was different, when Ryan would connect to his brain, the pain was a million times worse and it felt like his head was on fire. Not only did he have internal issues, the outside was just as bad. He looked so pale and it was as if his body weight slimmed down to half a healthy boys weight. Ryan could feel himself getting closer and closer to the darkness. He needed to push through though, he had to make sure his friends made it out of this place alive, even if he didn't. It took him only a few minutes, but it felt like hours until Leader was fully cured.

Once Ryan stopped he immediately fell to the ground. He wasn't unconscious he just couldn't hold himself up.

Sorry to end it there but i have to go to school and I really wanted to get this published now! Thx for reading see ya next one!

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