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Ryan had just woke up and asked his two remaining teammates what had happened, so Mark was about to explain it all.
"Well, you tested the cure on this one girl and although it worked, it caused you to pass out. We were all worried except for that leader guy, he just grabbed you from us and then went all crazy. He took Spyder to make sure that once you woke up, you wouldn't try and escape. Then your dad got really mad and started yelling at the leader and then he got taken away too. He wanted you to have someone familiar to wake up to, so he cuffed me and Harris to the bed and we've been sitting here ever since."
"And that all happened in the 2 hours you were out for!" Harris added.
Ryan was in shock. That evil man was using his friends as bait to get him to cure this whole town, even though he knew it hurt him.
"Do you know where they took Spyder and Randall?" Ryan asked.
"Well we know they took Spyder to some basement in a barn, and we don't know where Randall is." Mark answered. Just then Violet's heart monitor starred to flatline, she was dying.
"I have to save her!" Ryan yelled. Before the guys could stop him, he was at her bedside and he used his powers to cure her, no matter how much it hurt him. He finally did it and he fell over, but Mark caught him. His mom opened her eyes and looked over at Ryan.
"Ryan sweetie. Is tha-" but before she could finish her sentence, an arrow came flying through the doorway and into her chest. She died.
"NOOOO!" Ryan yelled. They looked out the doorway to see who shot her and then they saw Leader standing there furious.
"So you were just going to cure her and leave the rest of us to die!" He yelled, he had the crossbow pointed at Ryan.
"YOU KILLED MY MOM!" Ryan yelled back. Ryan was filled with rage and he didn't care if there was a crossbow pointed at him or not. Just then a goon grabbed Harris and Leader moved the crossbow to be at his head. Harris put his hands up.
"No...don't hurt him..." Ryan said starting to tear up.
"You will not leave here until you cure everyone" Leader said. Ryan could not believe this was happening. Mark grabbed Ryan's shoulder to try and hug him but as he did that someone cuffed him and Harris and threw them into the barn basement with Spyder. The Leader said no more, all he did was tie Ryan to the bed until he was ready to bring in the first wave of patients.

Sorry about the moderate gore in this chapter. I just thought this story was getting boring so I decided to spice it up a little bit. Thx for reading see ya next time!

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