Forced to heal

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Ryan was locked in the cabin all night by himself. The first patients wouldn't come until morning. He looked over at the bed where his birth mother had been laying before she was killed. He didn't care about his tough guy image anymore. He cried. And he cried. And he cried himself to a sleepless sleep.

Meanwhile in the basement....
Mark and Harris were roughly thrown into the basement before being chained to a wall beside their sleeping friend Spyder. The guards then walked up the stairs and slammed the door shut, waking up Spyder.
"Harris? Mark? When did you get here?" He asked.
"Like 10 seconds ago." Mark replied.
"Are you okay Spyder!" Harris asked.
"Yea. I mean, they were a little rough getting me in here since I didn't go quietly, so they punched me in the gut a few times." He replied while lifting up his shirt to show his friends his firming bruises on his stomach.
"Woah Spyder, that looks pretty bad." Mark pointed out.
"Yea. But it doesn't hurt that much." Spyder answered. The guys were left in the cold basement with no warmth all night. None of them slept, but none of them spoke.

In the morning
It was early in the morning that Ryan was punched awake from his upsetting slumber. Leader had walked in and Ryan saw a row of about 5 people lined up, waiting to be cured.
"Listen kid, we're gonna start you off easy with 5 then a rest but each time we're adding 5 more to the group. We need to get as many people through before you die." He said. He talked about Ryan dying as if it was a casual subject. Ryan didn't answer him. He just gave him the death stare.
"Oh don't give me that look. I'm the one doing the right thing here. You have the power to save their lives and you won't do it. Who's the monster now?" With that thought he left Ryan and sent in the first patient. All Ryan could think about was Leader's last words to him. Was he a monster? He has the power to help these people but he doesn't want to use it? The patients kept coming in. It felt as though there were thousands instead of 5. By the last patient, Ryan had a bloody nose (from the power absorption) and he was in so much pain. He finally did it, and before he could relax, he was grabbed. He was too weak to fight back. The guards knew it too, they didn't even cuff him. He couldn't escape, he could barely stand. He was thrown into the basement while awaiting the next group of patients.
"Ryan! Bro! Is that you?" Mark asked. It was hard to tell as Ryan had appeared paler and skinnier, as if removing these peoples sickness was draining him, which it was.
"Ry, say something." He continued.
"Hmm" was the only answer he got back. Ryan had his back turned to them. After about 5 minutes he managed to speak.
"We have to get out of here." He squeaked.
"I know Ry. Can you stand up" Mark replied.
"" Ryan tried.
"Ryan can you turn around?" Harris asked.
"Yes" he answered.
"Okay are you gonna?" Spyder asked.
"No..." Ryan mumbled.
"Ryan what's wrong." Mark said, his tone getting more worried.
"I...I don't want you guys to see me... like this..." he says quietly.
"Ryan turn around now." Mark pleads.
"Okay..." Ryan turns around to hear a huge gasp come from his team.
They saw a bloodied pale skinny Ryan.
"Oh my god Ryan." Was all Harris could say.
"That's it. You're not doing this anymore. It's hurting you too much." Mark states.
"But if I don't, we'll be stuck here forever." Ryan says. He was right, but just as Mark was about to say something back, Leader walked in.

Okay yea this chapter was a lot longer than 500 words. Oops oh well! It better for you guys right! Anyways thx for reading! See ya next one!

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