your first kiss - michael

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"(y/n), truth or dare?" calum smirks, wiggling his eyebrows at you from across the circle that you and your friends had formed.

"i said i don't want to play anymore" you pout.

"just because you don't want everyone to know your little secrets. i know things that im not supposed to" he winked at you.

"like what?"

"that you stole luke's vans three months ago because you lost your pair and he thinks he left them in a hotel."

"what?! (y/n), is that true?!" luke yells, although he's smiling at the same time.


"anyway, truth or dare?" calum repeats himself.

you ponder in thought for a second, before deciding on the safest option, truth.

"you picked that last time!" michael protested, but you simply rolled your eyes.

"oh! i have a good question!" ashton chimed in, making your whole body tense up.

"if you had to date one of us, who would you pick?" he smiled cheekily.

you glared at him. ashton knew you had a huge crush on michael- you had since you met him. he overheard you on the phone when you thought no one was home, but it turns out ashton was sat behind your door the whole conversation. you only found out when you opened your door and he fell into your bedroom.

"no! im not playing!" you shout, giggling nervously, making yourself obvious.

"why not? has someone got a crush?" luke teased, making you go slightly pinker than usual.

"(y/n) is going pink! someone has a crush!" calum shouted along with luke.

"who is it then, (y/n)?" michael hummed, not really interested in what was going on. he had been focused on his phone for the whole game.

"come on. tell us!" luke insisted. as you went to get up and leave, ashton started yelling.

"it's michael!" he shouted with a smile, then clapped a hand over his mouth after he realised what he had just said.

michael looked up for a second, then gazed back down to his phone. luke had wide eyes and calums jaw was dropped.

"what the fuck ashton?!" you yell at him, bright red from anger. "your such a prick!"

you can feel tears start to sting your eyes as you take one last glance at all four boys before dashing up the stairs, into your room and collapsing onto your bed.


you woke up to the feeling of being shaken. as you open your eyes you see calum, a soft smile positioned on his face.

"hey, we are off to the studio again, call me if you need me." calum sighs, wandering out of your bedroom and shutting the door gently.

last weekend ashton told everyone you liked michael. things hadn't been the same since. you, luke and calum were still the same, talking and laughing as always, but you were too pissed at ashton to even go near him.

michael never spoke to you anymore. he never sat by you, he was barely ever in the same room as you. every time you mumbled something he would ignore it completely.

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