sober - michael (2)

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•alright fam im still here sorry but im writing this in mcdonalds and the reason i haven't been updating that much is because i usually write these in class/lesson and ive ran out of data sorry gang so mcdonalds wifi is lit


"(y/n)." you stirred to the sound of someone whispering, a wobbly voice coming from behind you. it repeats your name again and upon turning around, you see michael with tear-stained cheeks and red puffy eyes.

"(y/n), baby, im sorry." even though he had a rough, croaky voice and glazed-over eyes his words were still slurred.

you picked up your phone, turning it on and noticing the time was half three in the morning. as you turn it off you move to face michael.

"hey, baby, your okay." you pull him by the waist and grab his hands as you position him next to you in bed, where he ends up flopping onto your chest.

you run a hand through his bleached blonde hair, cooing softly.

"now, baby, michael, gorgeous, are you sober enough to listen to me?" you ask gently and he nods.

"now, im not breaking up with you in any way, form or have i even thought about it - no. but baby, you've gotta listen to me - if we want this relationship to work, you have got to stop drinking michael, please, baby, your hurting yourself constantly and you don't even realise it. a pint or two, yes, but not five in an hour, gorgeous."

he hums in response at your words, agreeing hazily and falling asleep in your arms against your chest, leaving you lost, worried and almost heartbroken, but you knew he would listen without a doubt.

•this is really fucking shitty but im watching the world cup absolute fucking shit i am outraged bruh eNGLAND ONE FOR THE LADS GET ME A PINT LADS LADS LADS SATURDAY IS FOR THE BOYS #LADSONTOUR sry goodnight byeee

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