chemicals - luke

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#8 in 5sosfanfic suck my ass

also: trigger fucking warning my dudes drugs, alcohol and mentions of sex xoxoxo


"why are you like this, luke?" you overheard michael question his best friend.

"like what?" luke mumbled, pressing the lengthy cigarette to his lips, look dead straight, ahead into the distance.

"like this!" michael sighed, raising his voice and throwing his hands around. "one minute your eyes are bright fucking red from weed, the next your lungs are black from smoking, but then again some days your nose is fucking white from sno-"

"will you keep your god damn fucking voice down?" luke hushed his bleach-blonde friend.

"no! you need help, luke."

your heart sank deep into your stomach, you felt it fall so hard. you knew luke smoked and never had a problem with it. but drugs? and you understood that most of the boys had smoked weed in their lives before, but cocaine?

then it hits. you've seen luke's bedroom if you need something, or just peeked in there out of curiosity. all the beer cans, the locked drawers, how smoky it is in his room. even downstairs, if the boys have a beer, probably three at a maximum unless their clubbing, luke would always be surrounded by empty, sometimes even smashed bottles of strong beer, vodka and occasionally whiskey.

he needs help. but you aren't sure how to get it for him. peeking your head around the window, you try and listen in for more again.

"fucking hell michael, im fine." luke slumped back  against the mossy, red brick walls of the house.

"ill just tell the boys."

"go ahead, tell the boys, tell (y/n). they won't care. they never do."

you watched as michael rolled his eyes, hearing the door slam. as you went to shut your bedroom window, you knocked over one of the perfumes standing on the windowsill, it crashing onto your carpet loudly. lukes blonde-haired head immediately spun round, looking you straight in the eyes and glaring at you.

you shut the window, going bright red, and hope to god he didn't notice you were listening the whole entire time.

there wasn't any time for hoping, though, because five minutes later you heard luke burst your door open, slamming it behind him with such force to scare anybody.

"you think it's polite to listen to other people's fucking conversations?" he yells.

you had never seen him this angry before. his face was bright red, hair stuck to his forehead from sweat and his eyes had turned a darker shade of blue, almost like the depths of the ocean.

"what are you gonna say, then?"

"l-luke. listen to me, right. you need help, and i can get it for you. just tell me why your doing all this? all these drugs, and drinking, and smoking."

"i only want one thing." luke says. "that im never gonna get." he starts giggling slightly.

"uh, well, maybe if you told me what you wanted, i could get it for you."

"see, i have to show you that."

"go on then, show me."

a soft pair of lips crashed against yours. the flavour of alcohol, cigarette smoke and weed lingered in his mouth, maybe with a hint of mint from the gum that he was chewing earlier. you started to kiss him back, pushing him against the wall gently. you went to rip off his black jean leather jacket, but then reality hit you once again you realised what you were actually fucking doing.

"l-luke, i-"

"do you not want it?"

"hold on. what exactly do you want. sex?"

"uh, within a relationship, duh."

"with who?"

"you, you idiot!"

you smiled to yourself, before regaining a straight face.

"well, we can make this work, luke, but promise me you'll start to get help, and manage to get all these chemicals out of your body."

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