voodoo doll - michael

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"(y/n), get changed, we're going out to dinner." you hear your best friend, luke, yell from the living room.

"okay!" yelling back happily, you skip to your room. pulling out an electric blue shirt, a yellow jacket and red jeans, you get changed quickly, sitting down at your dressing table and applying whatever makeup you wanted. putting your hair up into a ponytail with small strands framing your face, you slide a pair of green vans and grab a red bag, hopping down the stairs.

"hey (y/n)!" ashton chuckled, pulling you into a hug.

"(y/n)!" calum screeched, joining the hug you and ashton has started. as you pulled away, you noticed michael leaning against the wall, chewing some gum and scrolling through his phone.

you knew michael hated you - and you hated him back. but, nonetheless, you still said hello to him, as it was the polite thing to do and luke would probably get annoyed if you ignored him the whole time.

"alright, michael?" you wave at him. he rolls his eyes and chews his gum harder. "prick." his eyes shoot up to yours after you mumble.

"come on, we're leaving now!" luke shouts.


now, you were all crammed in a car, ashton on your left, michael on your right.

"you look good tonight, (y/n). nice choice of colours." ashton proposed, smiling.

"you smell good too! when i hugged her i noticed. what are you wearing?" calum chimed in.

"gucci - the one luke brought me." you giggled, flashing luke a smile.

michael stayed silent.

"what's up with you today, mikey?" luke spoke, keeping his eyes on the road.

"you never told me she was coming." michael mumbled.

"i have a name, michael." you say.

"yeah. a whole list."

"like what?"

"oi, you two, stop it." calum turned around and glared at you both.

"it wasn't me!" you shout.

"(y/n), stop it. don't ruin this, yeah? we're celebrating the album." luke mumbles. he's on michaels side?

you slump back in your seat, hearing a chuckle from michael.


"steak?" the waiter lays your food on the table along with all the other boys. "enjoy your meal."

"so, the album is doing good?" you say as the waiter walks away.

"yeah, it's been out for what, a week now? we were gonna celebrate the night we released it, but paparazzi were everywhere." calum chuckles. "the support is amazing."

"anyway, (y/n), how's jacob?" ashton wiggles his eyebrows, earning a slap from luke.

"right - were just friends! we've known each other for ages. he's just a friend, a best friend." you state, smiling slightly.

"what about me? am i not your best friend?" luke pouts jokingly.

"well, if he's just a friend, why'd you snog him yesterday then?" calum, a mischievous look on his face, smiles.

"you kissed him?!" michael almost yells.

"well, maybe." you sigh, grinning as you eat.

"do you realise how much of a knob he is, (y/n)?! he's gonna hurt you. ive met him once before and he was a complete arse." michael sighs.

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