shit - ashton

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•there is currently a sket testing my patience right now so updates may be fast or slow depending on my mood and if im pissed off or not aLSO THANK YOU SO FUCKING MUCH FOR 4K IF I HAVENT SAID IT ALREADY WOOHIDHSHSHA +++ i hate boys bye p.s i don't play fortnite as im a broke bitch and still have an xbox 360 also 2 this has a lot of swearing in so sorry about that sisosksjwjs


"luke, i told you i don't like him like that." you mumble, rolling your eyes at luke across the room who gave you a cheeky grin.

"are you sure about that? the way you look into his eyes, randomly start a conversation with him, text him like 24/7 seems very love-like to me, (y/n)."

"shut the fuck up, luke." you giggle, throwing a pillow at him and going bright red as all the other boys walk into the room, including ashton - who you were falling for quicker and quicker each day.

"alright, (y/n)?" ashton smiles at you, making you blush slightly and put your phone down.

"yeah, im fine. how's the album going?" you say.

"it's going great!" michael chimes in, clearly happy that you mentioned the album.

"the response has been amazing." calum agrees, cheeks rosy and a soft smile on his face.

"so what's this about you liking someone?" ashton asks, plopping down next to luke who was on the couch opposite you, with calum next to you and michael on the floor by the telly playing fortnite.

"huh? i don't like anyone." you mumble, trying to focus on what michael was doing.

"jesus fucking christ, (y/n), bullshit. your so fucking full of shit." luke giggles.

"ah, my childish ears. i don't tolerate language like that in this household, hemmings." calum chuckled, scrolling through his phone.

"who is it?" ashton asks again, and for some reason, he seems off about it.

you stay silent for a while, praying luke wouldn't say anything - and thank fuck he didn't. but, you did.

"nobody, ashton."

"your lying. you have that look in your eyes, (y/n)."

"im not telling you."

"so you like someone?"

"i never said that."

"do you not trust m-"

ashton was cut short by calum shouting.

"michael! fourteen health with only a pickaxe! get another weapon for gods sake." calum screams at the telly.

"im trying you dick! ali-a has nothing on me."

you roll your eyes as michael continues to play, with calum occasionally yelling at him.

"please tell me, (y/n.)"


"would it change things if i said i liked you?"

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