Loose trousers <2>

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I walk in to see Sherlock in black trousers, unbuttoned. White dress shirt, also unbuttoned, with about 20 cigarettes in his mouth. He has the beds pushed together to make one giant bed, and science equipment and chemicals looked as if they exploded on both the desks. Of course I didn't really notice the desks because my eyes were glued to Sherlock's very, verrrry attractive abdominal muscles. (No John! Stahp!) "you're staring." Sherlock says, startling me out of my 'observing' "erm.. Sorry, I'm-"

"John Watson. Age 17. Your mum made you come here, probably because your not happy at home. Your brother is an alcoholic and your disappointed in his choices but you love him anyway. Judging by your athletic build, you probably play.. football? Dull."

Sherlock cuts in, only glancing at me before going back to the ceiling. "That was.. Bloody amazing!" I exclaim. Sherlock gives me a bewildered look.


"Yea! Bloody amazing! How did you get all that? Oh and sister, not brother." I say. "Ugh sister.. Of course. And I didn't know, I observed. Anyway, that's a reaction I've not had yet." He says, still staring at me with those eyes. "What do people Say?" I ask, confused. "Piss Off." He says, shrugging.

"Oh my god! Those twats..." I say.

Sherlock lets out a low chuckle, the noise sending shivers down my spine. (John you can't have a crush! Stahp!) Sherlock takes the cigarettes out of his mouth and put them in a little black box, before standing up. His trousers slide down a little more, showing a pair of low-riding black pants. Sherlock's v-line is very defined from this angle. "John? Like what you see?" Sherlock says with a wink. I turn a deep shade of red and turn, unpacking my bag into my wardrobe.


Once I was all unpacked and settled, and the beds had been moved back. I say down on my bed with my laptop. I opened up my email to see that I had three from Harry.

Harry: John! how is the new school? Ring when you get a chance!

Harry: John! I've got a new girlfriend! Mum found out and nearly exploded! Ring when ya can!!

Harry: I got kicked out John. HE kicked me out. Mum tried to stop him but she couldn't. Im now living with my girlfriend. Ring if you can..

I sigh, shutting my laptop. Of course he would do this to her. God I hated him. "What's wrong?" Sherlock asks. I turn to look and almost fell off of my bed. Sherlock is stood right right at the edge of my bed, bent at the hips with his face centimeters from mine. If I turned my head our lips would connect. those soft looking Cupid-bow li-(John! I'm not telling you again! You canNOT have a crush on him!)

"emm.. Sherlock? P-personal space?" I stutter out, trying to scoot away.

"John? your pupils are very dilated," he reaches out to touch my neck, "and your pulse is extremely elevated." He says, leaning in closer.

"either you're in love with somebody.. Or something stressful is occurring." He says.

"or both.." I mutter, but of course he heard. he plops down on my bed, face still close to mine. "Both? interesting. Who is the girl?" he asks. "I umm I-there umm there isn't a g-girl?" I stutter. "So a boy then?" he asks. my breath hitches in my throat, making a choking noise. "wh-what why-why would you say b-boy?" God I needed to work on my composure.

"relax John, tell me his name." he says.

How is Sherlock's face still getting closer?! those blue-green eyes piercing into me. "Erm.. I-I have to go to t-the as-assembly!!" I almost shout, jumping up. "perfect! I'll come with you and asses your reactions to the different boys." he says, putting on his coat and scarf. I groan. "perfect."

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