Stolen Glances and sweet nothings <5>

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I'm probably gonna put Sherlocks POV somewhere in the story. might be this chapter, might not. who knows ;) enjoy!! •••••••••••••••

~3 days later~

This. Is. maddening! What the bloody hell was that? What does it mean? 'John just do your damn maths homework!' my mind shouted. But I couldn't stop thinking about galaxy-eyed Sherlock.

Suddenly I felt like someone was watching me. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sherlock smirking at me. Swiveling my head, I tried to meet his gaze but his eyes snapped down again. But Sherlock, though he tried, couldn't repress the smirk. A smile spread across my face as I got an idea.

"Hey, Sherlock" I ask, smiling innocently.

"Yes?" Sherlock replied, eyes locking with mine.

I got up from my bed and moved over for his, plopping down next to him, our arms touching.

"Just wondering if I could get some help with maths." I say, never looking away from his starry gaze. a light blush spread across Sherlock's marble cheekbones.

"Eh-um Yes absolutely." Sherlock replied. Scooting closer, so our arms were fully pressed together, we set to work.


"Question four needs to be changed." Sherlock whispered into my ear, before nibbling on my earlobe.

This has been going on for an hour. It started with innocent grazing of hands, but soon turned into seductive teasing.

"Sherlock, don't tease." I quip, nipping at his jaw. A shiver runs through his body at my touch, and I took that as a sign to keep going. I swirled my tongue at the soft spot right behind his ear, before moving down and leaving a love bite right below his jaw.

"Now look who's teasing, John." Sherlock said breathlessly.

By now I had moved down to his neck, where my love marks were scattered about. Starting a new one, Sherlock's hand suddenly gripped my thigh as a low growl ripped from his throat. Pushing my maths book to the floor, Sherlock turned so he was straddling my hips. I pulled back and Sherlock looked at me, breathing heavily.

"Did I do something wrong?" he asked, still breathing heavily.

"God no! but, I'm not just an experiment Sherlock." I said.

"You were never an experiment to me, John."

"Then.. What am I?" I ask.

"Well, I'd like you to be my boyfriend. only if you want to." Sherlock replied.

"Oh god, yes." I reply.

Sherlock presses a deep kiss to my lips, hands running through my hair. I let out a low moan as Sherlocks hips involuntarily rock into me. Realizing what's made me moan, he rocks his hips into me again and I bite his lip as a moan rips through my throat.

Rutting against me, Sherlock unbuttons my white school uniform shirt and tosses it across the room. Forgetting the buttons, I just rip Sherlocks shirt over his head before tossing it to the floor. Just as Sherlock sets to work on my belt, there is a knock at the door. Trying to ignore it, Sherlock goes back to my belt.

"John?" came a voice on the other side of the door. Sighing, I slide out from under Sherlock and redo my belt. Heading over to the door, I ignore the grumbling coming from Sherlock as he pouts. When I open the door, I see a tall boy with a head boy uniform on.

"Hi! My name is Greg, Greg Lastrade. I'm captain of the rugby team. Also head boy." he said with a smile.

"Yeah! we met earlier! Whats up?" I reply.

"I was wondering if you wanted to sit with us at supper?" the boy asked. Shit! I forgot about supper.

"Uum, yea sure! lemme get changed." I said.

After pulling on a cream jumper and a pair of form fitting black jeans, and getting Sherlock to put a shirt on, we left the dorm and followed Greg down to supper. Right as Greg turned to leave though, Sherlock whispered in my ear, "We'll finish this later." and with a grab of my arse, he walked past me with a wink, down to supper.


I'm in love with this chapter! tell me what you think! did I move to fast? if so let me know!! Vote!!!! comment!!!! send the love!!!!!! •••••••••••

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