Secrets over supper <6>

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As we got to the canteen, Greg and I got in line. Sherlock simply stood beside me, his cold stare sweeping the room. I noticed that when people made eye contact with him, it was brief, and they looked away quickly. I wonder why?

When we got to the window I saw what was on the menu. How very stereotypical... 'Bangers and mash' was written in red on the sign. When we got our plates and sat at the table, I took a look around at the other boys and girl sitting around us. On my right was Greg. Beside him was a boy with greasy brown hair. The scowl on his face as he looked at Sherlock made a bit of anger flare up, but I settled before moving on. To the boys left sat a dark skinned girl with frizzy hair and dark eyes. Her face was pulled into a sneer, and she was directing it at Sherlock. Why are they looking at him like that?! Next to her was a muscular boy with sandy blond hair and a smirk on his mouth. He seemed easy going.

Greg clapped his hands together. "Right, introductions." He said. Pointing to his left he started with the boy scowling at Sherlock. "This here is Anderson. Nobody calls him by his first name anyway so it's not important right now. The girl next to him is Sally. Sh-"

"It's Donovan." Sally interrupted rudely.

"No one cares." Greg quipped. "Anyway moving on. Next to her is Sebastian. Everyone calls him Seb." Greg said. Sebastian gave a smirk and a salute. I think I could like this guy.

"Everyone, this is John Watson. And you already know Sherlock." Greg said.

"So your the one that got paired up with the freak. How's that going?" Anderson mocked.

I stared at him. Who the fuck does he think he is? "I'm sorry but excuse you? Who do you think you're calling a freak?" I snapped.

"Sherlock Holmes is a freak. He's a bloody psychopath! Did he show you his little murder fetish? You'll get a real kick out of that." Sally said, sneering at Sherlock.

Sherlock shrunk back just the tiniest bit, only noticeable to me. But he kept his cold look fixed on them. I can understand why people avert their eyes. Sherlock's gaze looks absolutely terrifying.

"What he does with his time is none of your damn business." I say, getting angrier.

"Just know, someday we are gonna be standing around a body, and Sherlock Holmes is gonna be the one who put it there." Sally said.

Sebastian chuckled. "Just wait until you meet James."

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