Chapter 1

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The Start

-Your POV
"Alright (Y/n), you can do this..." I told myself while I clutched my phone in my hands.

Today was the day that I had planned for, I was gonna confess to my crush about how I felt about him.

Matsuno Todomatsu.

The boy I've known for my whole four years of high school. And now that we finally graduated just a few days ago, I wanted to confess to him. To me he meant so much, I wanted him to be more then just a friend. He knew about my depression, and he was always there when I needed him.

To me, he was my knight in shinning armor.

Pink armor that is.

I shook my thoughts to the side as I started to scroll through my contacts. Once I found his name I pressed the call button and put the phone to my ear.

It rang a few times until someone finally picked up.

"Hi (Y/n)-Chan~," hearing his voice made me smile. It always did, even when I felt down.

"Hi Totty, um sorry to call you, I hope you weren't busy," I told him, feeling a bit guilty for even calling him in he first place.

"Oh no, I wasn't doing anything. Just listening to my brothers fight again," I heard him groan in the phone along with yelling in the background. I couldn't help but chuckle.

Yeah, I knew about his brothers. They were a handful, and sometimes a pain in the ass. But they were so much to be around. "Well uh... I was wondering maybe... We can hang out later on today?" I asked, stuttering a bit.

A long pause was made, all I heard was the ruckus in the background caused by his brother.

"...Sure! What time? Oh how about we meet up at Sutabaa? It's a coffee place that just opened up recently!" His voice sounded so excited about the place. It only made me smile more and made me feel confident.

"Yes we can meet there, how about 5, is that a good time for you?" I asked him as I sat up on my bed. It made me feel giddy just being able to talk to him.

"Yeah, I can make it at that time. I'll just need to get ready, I'll see you there soon," and with that he hanged up.

I ended the call too and fist pump the air. It's gonna happen! I'm gonna confess! I jumped off my bed and skipped around a bit, then all of a sudden it dawned on me.

I was moving.

I was moving in just a few weeks.

That was the reason why I was gonna confess, because I was moving I wanted to get my feeling out. Hoping that maybe if I confessed he would still be with me and we wouldn't have to drift apart.

I sat back down on my bed and looked at the ground. For months I was begging my parents that we shouldn't move, I was asking them for me to stay but they said no.

"I have to do this... I have no other choice now," a sad smile came across my lips as I heard my bedroom door being knocked on.

"(Y/n), sweetie, I got the boxes for you." It was my mom. She opened the door as she started bringing in cardboard boxes for me to pack my stuff in. "Thanks mom, oh by the way, I'm gonna hang out with Todomatsu today around 5... is, that ok with you?" I asked her, Crossing my fingers she would say yes.

She looked at me and put her finger on her chin, thinking a bit before giving me a small smile. "Of corse. We are moving soon and you need to be as close to your friends as possible. Just be safe is all I ask."

|Repairing a Broken Heart| Todomatsu x Depressed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now