Chapter 3

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Bad memories

Your POV

It's been two years...

Two years on the same day that my heart was ripped in two.

I only moved back in hope that I wouldn't see him again, oh but I was wrong. I was so so terribly wrong.

When me and my cousin were jogging I saw him at the park sitting on a bench. And then I saw him again at that coffee shop where...

Just the thought of that day made me want to puke...

"Hey, you doing ok (Y/n)?" I picked up my head to see my cousin looking worried about me. I only put on a fake smile, showing her that I was ok.

She didn't buy it, but knew that I didn't like talking about these types of things.

I moved back into the city I grew up in. My cousin moved in with me when she found an art career nearby where I lived.

We moved back into the house that I first moved out of, which surprisingly didn't sell. Making us lucky to get it.

Sarah was really sweet for paying most of the bills, but she only did it because she kept thinking she'll be a problem. I always told her she wasn't.

She was just liked me, we both suffered from depression for years and we both hid it really well. Our point view was also the same on how we viewed life, just pointless.

But we kept living.

The only difference we both had was that she also had an anxiety problem. I was helping her get over it, and she's been doing very well. Like I would wait outside while she order us meals or drinks. At first it just had to me holding her hand while we ordered.

"Oh yeah, you wanna go on another run tomorrow? It will refresh us," she snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked up at her.

"Um... y-yeah we can do that, how about a different area? It will nice to visit some place new," I told her while smiling.

The reason why I didn't want to go to that park again was because of seeing him.

Sarah just plopped herself on the couch and hummed, thinking a bit before answering. "Sure we can do that, I don't know the area like you do so it would be nice."

I sighed in relief and nodded. I went up to my room to get some fresh clothes and take a shower before I went to bed.

He started to come across my mind and old feelings start to linger. I hated it.

I hate him.

But the whole time I thought about him, I couldn't help but think of the things he said to me on that day.



Wanting attention.

And I kept believing those words. And ever since then, I wished I've never known him. I wish I never met him.

I wish I was never born...

And with that last thought I jumped into the shower and start washing all the dirt from today.


"I am not going to talk to that guy for you."

"Please, (Y/n)! I'll buy you some muffins, cake, any sweets!"

We were taking a small walk before our little jog and we're about to cross over a bridge when some guy with a guitar caught Sarah's attention.

"Sarah we've talked about this... if you want to talk to a guy, you do it. I am not going to talk to each guy you find interesting." From where I stood, I could already sense a painful aura. She always had a thing for weird guys.

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