Tay-K » Niggas aint shit (pt.1)

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You crossed your left leg over the other and breathed out angrily. You interlocked your right hand with your leg and shut your eyes from all light to be seen, especially the old retweet from your phone. The light radiated in the dark.

Got a new hoe who keeping it down for a nigga 💸 but her arrogant ass don't even kno that I usin her? 😂 man, this golden hours for me rn. 💯

That's what he said.

Word by word in his old tweet from about what?.... seven or nine months ago?

He been playing you. The man you though that loved you, the man— no, lil boy. Yeah, the lil boy you cared for oh so much. All a lie. The 'I love you's. Lie. The you're my queen. Lies. The 'I cherish every moment with you's.... lies.

You didn't know what to do, call him out publicly and let him know that you're a force to not be reckoned with? Or stay low key for a while and take notes on how he played you for the pass year?


You were gonna do this right now. Right in front of his homies, his "day ones", and their bitches. Right in Front of them, in front of all of them.

You got your glock nine millimeter from in your bag and marched out of the cool air conditioned room, the cool air conditioned room you helped pay.

You stomped out, your feet echoing through the halls. Taymor knew that it was you, probably in a bad mood or something. He thought.

He allowed your stomps echo through his house, his friends all looked up to where the loud echos were coming from.

"Ayo Tay I think yo shawty mad or something"

The teen shrugged it off and dealt out the cards to everyone.

"Nah, she be like this sometimes. It's normal, just ignore it"

He convinced. Everyone grabbed their deck of cards uneasily.

"S-So is it normal for her to come out with a glock? Cause if it is—"

"A glock?!"


You took your first shot, between taymor and one of his friends who played cards. Your boyfriend got up from his chair reluctantly, slamming down his cards to the table.

That got his attention. That got all of their attention.

"A hoe! Huh!?! Is that all I was to you Taymor? A providing hoe that you used?!?"


You buckled another round into your gun and held it straight near Taymor's feet. Your boyfriend stared at you confused for a while.

"(Y/n)! Yo what the fuck the matter with you?!"

Taymor got up and grabbed the gun from your hands, he struggled for a minute before throwing you down onto the comfy couch sofa.

"I finna pop a cap in your ass Taymor! You played me like all the bitches! You played me like I'm a damn fool!"

You exclaimed angrily. You struggled underneath him and reached your arms out to his neck, dropping the glock to the floor before everyone.

"I ain't no hoe! My momma taught me to not let anyone call me a hoe! And that's what you're doin Tay! You disrespecting me after I spoiled yo ass!"

You reached for his neck to grab and attempted to pull on his hair. Taymor held you down easily and kept you between your arms.

"Ayo Tay you need some held man? It look like yo girl finna kick yo black ass—"

"Shut it! You get involved you gonna get yo ass shot! Remember that!"

Taymor screamed over his friend. Tay kicked the gun farther away from you and hugged you, squeezing you, restraining you from doing anything.

"Baby, what's the matter what's the matter? Why you so mad?—"

You found yourself loose in his arms and pulled back from him restraining you. You slapped him across his face and looked down on him, as if he was the most belittled person in the room.

"Pfft, baby. Don't call me that no more"

You wiped the spit from the corner of your mouth and breathed out angrily— no, in Infuriation. You bent over and placed your hands on your knees.

You wanted to kill him...

You were so mad at him. You just wanted to—

"Damn (y/n) there always a god damn problem with yo crazy ass. What happen this time huh?.... sensitive ass always gettin—"

"Your tweet Taymor! Your fuckin Twitter tweet ! One of your fans at me and I read it! Arrogant ass? using me?! Oh hell no Taymor! I wanna kill you!"

You stomped your feet on the ground at each time you remembered it. You couldn't get it out of your memory, it was embedded in there.

You pulled your phone out and flashed him the screenshot you took of it. Tay held your phone in his hands before backing up with a , I-fucked-up face.

"You called me a damn hoe Tay! I loved you! I sacrificed my reputation for yo ass!"

The tears escaped your eyes and you could no longer hold them back anymore. Taymor's friends girlfriends came to your side and cooed comforting words to you, giving back nasty looks to your boyfriend.

"We over Tay! I'm tired of this! I thought about dropping out of school to spend more damn time with you— I even had the documents to do it for you Tay! I slaved over a stove for you for the past year! So my baby could eat good! I let you go out with your friends because I don't wanna be controlling over you! Twenty bucks, Fifty bucks, seventy bucks, hundreds bucks, five hundreds bucks! You drained my wallets dry and I didn't care! If it made you happy none of that shit cared! None of it! But now I'm tired! I'm done with your shit Taymor!"

"(Y/n), come on don't—"

Tay tried to get closer to you, he tried to place one of his hypnotizing eye gazes on you. But no. Not this time. Not again.

"We dome Tay! Keep my name outta your mouth with your arrogant ass. I don't need your shit anymore! We're through"

You grabbed your glock over from under the table and hoisted your bag over your shoulder and left. You slammed the door shut, leaving a traumatized and heartbroken Taymor.

"What did I— what did I do?...."

He muttered. Taymor bent down to the ground and covered his face. His boys came to his side, as their girlfriends all shook their head.

"Niggas ain't shit"

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