Chapter 2

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***At Camp Half-Blood***

~Percy's P.O.V.~

        I was sitting by the lake with my girlfriend Annabeth her signature daughter of Athena grey eyes and blonde hair were shining in the sun. I had the complete opposite, being the son of Poseidon I had black hair and green eyes like the ocean. We were talking about our adventures (which you can but at your local Barns&Noble (; or online) when suddenly Travis and Conner Stoll came running up to us.

        "Guys! did you hear about the news from Olympus?" asked Connor Stoll the shorter twin. "Yeah, its all anyone is talking about in camp today." said Travis. Annabeth and I shared a look. We both looked confused.

        "We haven't heard anything new," said Annabeth.

        "You guys might not believe this but, Chiron got a message from the gods that we are going to get a new demi-god any day now, a special one too." Travis said.

        "Okay, why is that big news, we get new demi-gods almost every week." said Annabeth sounding confused, which was weird because a child of Athena was rarely confused.

        "Because," said Connor "she's a daughter of Artemis."

***At the Institute*** Luna's P.O.V.


        Luna couldn't help hide her shocked face. As Shadowhunters you were taught to hide you emotions, so in a fight they couldn't use it to control you. She had no control over it now. She new the Lightwoods weren't her biological parents but they were the ones who raised her, to her Maryse has and always will be her mother. Just like Jace.

        "Wha- what do you mean your my mother? Maryse i- is m- my mother." Luna stuttered. It came out when she was shocked.

        "I gave you to the Lightwoods to watch you because the other Olympians couldn't know you existed yet. It wasn't safe, for you or for me." said Artemis, still in her older form.

        "Not that I don't appreciate you taking me to the Lightwoods but I'm obviously a Shadowhunter, I can take the marks. And I'm also a demi-" "Demi-God" The girl with the electric eyes suggested. "Yeah, that. So, why didn't you leave me with my father, I mean who even is my father?" asked Luna

        "I did leave you with your father Luna, you've always been with your father. And I've always been by."

        "What do you mean I've always been with my father when you won't even tell me who he is?" asked Luna

        "Because," said Robert, speaking for the first time since the hunters got there, "I'm your father."

        Everyone in the room stood there and stared at Robert, Luna and Artemis. No one knew what to say, no one could say anything. Everyone was shocked, to say the least. They all knew that Robert had an affair before Max was born but no one, not even Maryse knew about this. Luna was the first to talk, "Have you always known I was your daughter, and what?"

        "A couple months after Isabelle was born I found a woman, who I instantly fell in love with. I didn't know she had Luna. I only knew you were my daughter when Artemis changed her age." Robert said, looking at Luna. At that Maryse looked devistated, she didn't know what to say. Isabelle looked pissed, to say the least.

        "How could you?!" screamed Isabelle, "I thought you loved you family, not just random woman!"

        "To be fair he didn't really have a choice in the matter." said Artemis "He was picked to be the father of my child."

        Everyone, including the hunters who were told about Luna before coming here, looked at Artemis confused. "What is that suppost to mean? How and who picked him to cheat on his wife and have a bastard child? No offense Luna but it's what kids who were born out of wed-lock are called." said Maryse. "None taken, Mom."

        "But I'm your mother Luna-"

        "No, you are a woman, whom I just met, that happened to give birth to me 16 years ago, then give me up because you weren't woman enough to take care of me" Artemis looked shocked. "Yeah I know about the letter, I use to read that everyday when I was little thinking that my mother was going to come back to me, hoping that I would meet you before I died. Now that you are here I'm not sure how I feel about you, but I do know one thing, and that is that Maryse Lightwood is and always will be my mother, because she is the one who raised me. She was there for me when I cried, when I needed someone to talk to, she was always there for me. You weren't." said Luna with tears in her eyes. Artemis and Maryse had tears in their eyes too, Maryse went over and gave Luna a big hug.

        "Not to ruin the moment or anything but I'm still wondering why Robert was picked to be Luna's father." said Jace, ruining a perfect moment, which happens more often than you think.

        "Yes, lets get back to that." said Artemis whiping the tears in her eyes away with the back of her hand. "17 years ago on Olympus me and Aphrodite were in an argument over her love life and her cheating on her husband, and she cursed me with an ancient curse that would make a maiden goddess, like myself, basically not be maiden anymore." Everyone looked at her confused again. "She said she found the 'perfect' man for me, saying he wasn't mortal so I wouldn't be breaking too many laws. She said she gave him a love potion that would only take affect when he saw me and I had the same thing. All she told me was a name and that he was a Shadowhunter, that he was strong and handsome. We've only crossed paths with Shadowhuntes once or twice before because we had a alliance to hunt what was ours, and that was monsters, which you fight demons. One day the hunt was in New York, chasing who knows what then and we were in an alley, I looked up to see him. A Shadowhunter. The Shadowhunter, Robert. After that it was love at first sight, but not by our own choice. A couple months went by and I conceived Luna and the curse wore off. I panicked and left town, never seeing Robert again until right now. A child of mine would have been killed on first sight by Zues so I hid the pregnancy, only myself and Aphrodite knew about it. Not even the father knew. So I brought you to your father under a fake name because I knew he would never turn down a baby Shadowhunter, who had no family." said Artemis.

        Everyone stared at her, absorbing the shock. Luna spoke first, "If I wasn't safe as a baby than why are you back now? To put me in danger?"

        "What? No! I would never do that to you! I came back for you because there is a prophecy that is needed by you to fullfil.  We need to get to Camp Half-Blood so you can accomplish your destiny."

        "Fine, when are we leaving?" asked Luna, all the Shadowhunters looked at her with shock. "What? the sooner I get this 'prophey' done the sooner I can come back to my life."

        "We leave tonight" said Artemis.

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