Chapter 4 - The Prophecy

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Luna P.O.V.

        "Wait, so you guys are part angel and part human?" asked Percy, the boy with the black hair that I recently found out was a child of Poseidon. I think that would make us like second cousins or something, this whole godly thing is very confusing for beginners.

        "YES! For the 10th time already," said Jace rolling his eyes. "And we've clarified that you guys are part god and part human." now pointing his finger to all the Shadowhunters.

        "But Magnus is a warlock, part demon and part human." Percy said. Jace threw his head back but the rest nodded.

        "I'm confused what does that make Luna?" asked Nico, a son of Hades.

        "Well, I don't know, I'm half god, part angel, part human. So, like 50% god, 25% angel, and 25% human." Artemis, I refuse to call her mom for now, and Chiron nodded their heads while Mr. D rubbed his head as if he had a headache. "That makes me pretty powerful doesn't it?" Chiron nodded.

        "Uh oh, powerful shadowhunters don't go down well in out history." Clary said then briefly expalined her evil family bloodline. "They usually get a big head and act as a tyrant."

        "Woah, well we haven't our share of luck when it comes to the gods and the titans big heads." said Percy as he went into detail about their past experiences. All the demi-gods looked sad after the explanation.

        "I'm so sorry." said Clary, she always was the most sensitive, most like her mundane upbringing. "I have a question, why are we all here again? If it wasn't safe for Luna then why is it safe now?"

        "Well it isn't that safe for her, Zeus is still pretty steamed at Aphrodite and I but after explaining what really happened he got a cooler head. He actually really wants to meet Luna whenever possible, but a prophecy was brought up to our knowledge recently and Aphrodite and I were the only ones who partly understood it and that is when we came clean about the baby. Everyone on Olympus acted like Chaos came to visit or something when I told them I had a daughter, partly scared party suprised. But anyways, we knew that Luna was the only one who could break the prophecy and I went and got her and that's where we are now." Said Artemis. Gee thanks.

        "Okay so what is this prophecy say?" I asked.

        "Uh oh." said Rachel the Oracle of Delphi, which the others explains happens when she is about to give a prophecy. Guess we're about to find what the prophecy says alot sooner. All of the sudden she has green smoke flowing out her mouth and in a creepy sounding voice says,

"A daughter of angels and gods must work together with unlikely allies

against all odds to defeat the fay and save the day

kill the one who has risen in the west to save the goddess imprisoned

eleven must go with the help of the clave

one will be lost and one shall be weak but must all work together to reach the peak."

        "So does that you your answer?" asked Thalia, while others helped Rachel off the floor.

        "I think so but it said eleven, so who is all going?" I asked.

        "Well dear, we usually leave that up to who the quest is for. You get to choose." Chiron explained.

        "Well it said eleven, and I heard the fay and clave in the prophecy which is our ground, so I choose Izzy, Alec, Clary, Jace, Magnus, Simon and myself and that is seven so I'll pick Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia to go since a goddess was mentioned and about someone who has risen which sounds like your grounds." Everyone looked pleased with my decision and nodded their head. "So when do we have to leave for that?" I asked.

        "In three days time you will head west." said Artemis, "but I would like for you to come with me tomorrow to Olympus and meet everyone." I nodded, not seeing how I could get out of this. Plus I couldn't lie, I was curious.

        "Alright, so everything is settled. It has been a very long day and I say we should all head to bed. I'll have Percy and Annabeth show our guest to their living quarters. See you all tomorrow at breakfast." Chiron said as he bid farewell, and we all went our seperate ways.

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