3 - You're In Denial

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I walked into the school, the normal smell of perfume and cologne, mixed with body odor, filled my nose as my feet carried me down the long tiled hallway.

Freshman and sophomores walked around the school thinking they've got their whole life together, juniors and seniors walked like they owned everyone, in despite of them being just as annoying as the freshman.

I stopped at my locker and spun the black knob with white numbers and lines until I opened my locker and put away books I didn't need, and pulled out the ones I did need.

"Em. Are you coming to my party tonight?" Grayson's permanent smug look on his face like usual as he leaned his broad shoulder against the blue locker.

"Not if you're there." I fake smiled and tried to close my locker, but he stopped it by putting his hand in front of it.

"It's my party. Of course I'm gonna be there." He looked at me with his sparkly hazel eyes, trying to make me fall for his little game.

"I know what you're doing Grayson, just stop." I tried closing my locker again, but his strong muscular arm stayed in the way.

"Malia already told me you were coming. Nice try." He shrugged as if he'd gotten me all figured out.

"I'll go... on one condition."

"Look, I don't think you're exactly ready for all of this." He said pointed to himself and I cringed at his cocky ways.

"No, you have to leave me alone the whole party. I'm coming to have fun like I used to. Don't talk to me."

"Baby, I'll be in my room most of the night. If we see each other, I know it's because you'll want something from me."

"Guarantee if we see each other it's because you're coming to dance with me. I will be the second hottest there." I winked at him and he stared at me with a blank face.

"And who's the hottest? Me? Well thank you." He smiled, and the longer it lasted the more I want to smack him.

"Actually, I meant your hot friend. The new guy." I smiled up at him roll his eyes.

"Whatever." He moves his hand from my locker door and nudged passed me, then waking away. Making me watch him stomp away.

Content with my antagonistic actions, I walked to my class and sat in my assigned seat in the middle of the room.

"Emily." I looked up and saw Gavin, the new guy come and quickly sit next to me. "Who's that girl you're always with? Black curly hair..."

"Oh, that's Malia. Why are you interested?" I smiled at him, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.

"Is she coming to Grayson's party tonight? I heard everyone's coming." He held onto the straps of his black backpack, nervousness written on his face.

"Yeah, she's coming. Want me to talk you up to her?" He nodded without saying a word. "Give me your number so I can tell you what she says." He handed me his phone and I typed his number in my contacts. "Okay, I'll text you later."

I smiled at him as he walked away, and I saw Grayson glare at me when he walked in, then sit down in the back of class.

"Take a picture if you want, Dolan." I said looking straight ahead and the few heads in the classroom turned to him.

"Why would I do that if I can annoy you by staring?" I could feel the way he buffed out his chest to make him look more muscular for everyone to enjoy while looking at him.

"You're right, stare all you want."


"What do I wear to a party that I don't really want to be at, but am only going to piss Grayson off?" I asked Malia as I looked through my closet for clothes.

"Em, he wants you to be there." Her petite body laid on my bed, cuddling up to one of my pillows.

"Yeah, So he can piss me off. And if I go, that gives me the ability to piss him off." I said, trying to make her understand my reasoning to go.

"I think you're in denial and that you want to go just so you can see him. I know you've got the hots for him." She sat up and helped me look through my closet.

"You don't know what you're talking about." I chuckled. Her left eyebrow raising a little, intrigued by what I said.

"I think I know better than you do. In fact, better than Grayson too." She pulled out a black off the shoulder body suit and dark wash jeans, then threw them at me.

"Have fun in your little fantasy world Malia." I said as I walked into the bathroom and got changed.

"I'm gonna go home and get ready, see you in a bit."

"Okay." I slid off my shirt and leggings and changed into the outfit she picked out, checking myself out in the large mirror.

Being my immature self, I took a picture posing to make my ass look bigger. 'See you soon?😏😏' and sent it to Grayson

He opened the picture immediately, then took a screenshot, which I didn't mind. Then I'll be in his head more often. 'Less clothes please.'

'You'd like that wouldn't you?'

'What guy wouldn't? You're hot.'

'You're annoying🙄'

'You snapped me first. But I like this little flirt sesh😉'
'I thought you didn't want me to talk to you?'

'One, not a "flirt sesh". Two, I just wanted to show you what Gavin's getting tonight.' I know I'm completely bluffing, I'm not into Gavin at all, but I do like pissing Grayson off.

'Have fun with him. Just know I'll be fucking girls in the next room over✌🏼'

The cockiness of this boy never seizes to amaze me. I swear he gets worse the more attention I give him.

I walked out of the bathroom then put on socks and black booties, and walked downstairs.

"Mom, Dad. I'm leaving!" I yelled from the front door, grabbing my keys on the way out.

I walked in the semi-darkness, then got in my car and texted Malia that I was on my way, then drove the few blocks to her house.

I parked in her driveway, right behind her car, and walked to her front door, using the street lights to see in the darkness.

Walking inside I heard music playing loudly from upstairs and I giggled, jogging up the steps.

"Hey." Malia said as she slipped on booties, like me. "Ready?" She asked, standing up to make her look taller than before.

"Let's take shots first. Your parents have the best liquor." She smiled and we walked down to her kitchen, getting the bottle of Fireball and two shot glasses.

"This is why my parents hate us." She laughed as I poured her shot and slid the small glass to her.

"Your parents love me, for your information." I said as we silently cheered and then took a shot, slightly cringing at the burning sensation in our throats.

"Let's go." We put the evidence away, and walked out of her house, and down a little to Grayson's where we heard music blasting from outside.

"Welcome to hell." I said as we stepped on his front porch, preparing for a night many people here won't remember.

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