25 - Wallpapers

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"Let's do something today." I said, Grayson and I sitting on his bed in his dorm, my back up against the wall, his head laying in my lap, with my hand running through his hair.

"Like what babe?" He asked, looking straight up at me and smiling. I love when he smiles.

"I don't know, go to the beach again? The weather is gonna be too cold soon and I want to go one last time."

"Any chance I get to see you half naked is a yes from me." He winked at me and I rolled my eyes, smiling at him.

"Okay get ready I'm gonna go to my dorm and get changed. I'll be back." He sat up from his bed, letting me get off and slide my shoes back on.

"Wait for me to change I want to come with you." He said, standing from him bed as well, his hand grabbing mine as I started walking towards the door.

"Gray it's gonna take me two minutes, just stay here and get ready, and I'll be back soon." He pulled my body closer to his, then wrapped his arms around my neck, his eyes staring down at mine.

"But you're so cute I don't want you to leave." He pouted his bottom lip, giving me puppy dog eyes a smiling spreading across my lips.

"You have two minutes Grayson. I'm setting a timer if you're not done I'm leaving." I looked over at my phone and set the timer, Grayson rushing to find his swim shorts and pulling his yellow striped sweater swiftly over his head.

I watched the grooves and muscles of his back flex as he grabbed a plain black T-shirt from his dresser, putting it over his body, his muscles disappearing under the cotton fabric.

"Just fyi I'm pulling my pants and boxers down so if you'd not look at my ass that'd be greatly appreciated." I giggled and turned around facing the opposite side of the room, soon hearing his pants slide down his legs, then he kicked them off, and pulled up his swim shorts. "Okay I'm ready."

"Okay put your shoes on." I said as I turned around, already stopping the timer, but Grayson was still rushing.

"I have to pack stuff can you please wait?" He said as he grabbed an empty backpack, shoving clothes and towels inside.

"Nope bye." I smiled and started walking towards his door, his body blocking my way.

"You're a fucking brat." He smiled at me, shaking his head, then moving out of the way, opening the door at the same time. "But a cute brat. Let's go."

"Nope, not walking with you." I started speed walking as he struggled to lock his door quickly, telling me to come back.

I laughed and walked outside of the building, his footsteps following closing behind me, running once the door closed behind him. "I'm gonna kick your ass." He said as he caught up to me, pulling my hand so I'd stop.

"Well sucks for you, I'd probably kick your ass." I tried to pull my hand from his, but he held onto it tighter, swiftly lacing his fingers with mine.

I felt my arm being tugged and I turned around to see him stopped and staring at me, his eyebrows raised in a 'That's what you think' kind of look.

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