18 - Nice Ring To It

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"Hey bitch." I turned around after I felt a tap on my shoulder, and saw Malia right behind me smiling at me.

"Hi babe. How was date night with Gavin?" I wrapped my arm around hers as we walked down the long hallways towards our classes.

"It was good, we watched movies, made desserts, did some other stuff." I looked at her and we both started laughing until I saw Grayson and Andrea laughing, his hand on her waist, pulling her into him more. "I thought you two were kinda a thing." Malia asked as we passed them, my eyes not leaving their presence until they were too far to see through the large amounts of kids.

"Well I mean not really. It was never official so I guess that's kinda my fault to think it was." I shrugged as I looked over at Malia, her being able to immediately tell I was upset.

"New year, same him I guess."

"Yeah I guess."


"Hey, why didn't you come find me in the hallway, we could've walked to class together?" Grayson asked as he walked in to class 20 minutes late.

"Well I don't know, maybe ask Andrea." I sassed, then giving my full attention to my phone where I scrolled through Instagram, just trying to get him to leave me alone.

"Shit I didn't know you were my girlfriend or my mom, but cool." I rolled my eyes and then grabbed my headphones out of my bag and plugging them into my phone, then playing music so I could ignore him better.

'Why are you being like this?' He texted

I looked at him annoyed, then looked back at my phone, not wanting to answer his text, but doing so anyways.

'Because you're sooo interested in me one second then the next you're all over Andrea.'

'Em, you know I've had sex with girls the entire time we've had our thing.'

'No I didn't actually but nice to know where I stand' I locked my phone and put it face down on the table, putting my attention on the school work.

I heard my phone vibrate multiple times until I realized he was sending me texts one word at a time.

'Can we hang out after school and talk about this? I don't want you to be mad at me when nothing has changed.'

'Idk Grayson. I have a lot of shit going on rn, I don't need this bullshit added onto that.'

'Then let's talk now okay?'

'No Grayson. Please just leave me alone.'

'You know I'm not going to do that.'

'Then idk what to tell you Grayson. I'm done with this conversation.'

'You can come over to my house tonight, we're going to talk about this.'

'No we're not Grayson. I get it, you're not as into me as I thought and that's fine. You can continue having sex with girls who will never care about you, and I'll just leave you alone.'

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