29 - Running Away

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"Okay I'm on my way to your dorm now, I'll see you in a sec." Grayson's voice rung through FaceTime as I watched him walk out of his dorm room and lock the door behind him.

"Alright bye." I hung up the phone and grabbed my bag, sticking my books and water bottle and ear buds into the pocket, then zipping it closed and hanging the straps over my shoulders. "Hey Tristen I'm going to class." I said to my roommate as she walked out of the bathroom, her hair tied messily on the top of her head.

"Okay I probably won't be here when you get out I have work early today." She said as she rummaged through her clothes to find what to wear to work.

"That's fine I was gonna hang out with Grayson anyways." Before Grayson got here I walked to the bathroom to make sure I looked okay in the mirror, and when I stepped out, there was a light knock on the door, so I grabbed onto the doorknob, twisting it and opening the door to me handsome boyfriend standing in front of me. I'll never be used to saying that.

"Good morning Beautiful." He leaned over and kissed my lips and the two of us walked further into the room so I could grab my phone off my bed.

"Good morning Gray." I said back, kissing him again.

"Good morning Tristen, I would stay to talk but we're already almost late for class." Grayson said as we walked back to the open door.

"No yeah go, I'll talk to you guys later."

I waved bye to her as the two of us left the room, walking straight to our classes that sat right next to each other's.

"Ugh it's so cold I should've worn a sweater." I held my arms close to my body as we stepped outside of the large building.

"Here, I have an extra hoodie in my bag if you wanna grab it." He stopped in front of me, his back facing as I unzipped the biggest zipper, pulling out his hoodie and then quickly taking my bag off, putting the hoodie on, the putting my bag back on. "And of course you're gonna want to keep it."

"Yeah I'd lie and say I'd give it back, but what's the point?" He chuckled at me and continued walking to class, making it there shortly after, and walking inside.

"Remember, you meet me here after class, if you don't see me, wait until I come out." He said as we stood by the side of his classroom door, his right hand holding onto my left, leaving a small patch of butterflies flying loosely around my stomach.

"Alright Gray." I quickly kissed his lips and then pushed him inside, although he clearly didn't want to, then walked to my own class.


As I walked out of class I saw Grayson leaning against the wall staring off, thinking about something, so I decided to sneak up on him to try and scare him. "Boo." I said, at a slight whisper hoping not to get other's attention.

His head slowly turned to mine and when I saw his bloodshot eyes I new something was wrong. My heart started beating faster as I pulled him in for a hug, neither of us having to say anything.

After standing there silently for a while I got up the courage to speak again. "Babe, lets go back to your dorm okay? We can talk about it, or we can just watch a movie or something." I felt his arms restrict around my waist more, but then completely let go of me. "Okay lets go babe."

I grabbed onto his hand and walked with him to his dorm, the two of us walking inside and then suddenly he hugged me again. I wrapped my arms back around his neck, holding the back of his head as he rested it on my shoulder, slightly crying. "Baby, what happened?"

When I heard his crying grow louder I knew the only thing I could do for him was be a shoulder to cry on. I don't know what happened or if it has anything to do with me, but I'm gonna be there for him no matter what.

"Let's lay down okay? We can cuddle." I unwrapped my arms from around him then lead him to his bed, laying down first then pulling him in to my chest and wrapping my arms around him, playing with his hair ever so slightly.

"My dad was diagnosed with cancer over the summer, and the doctors said he only has a few months." His voice broke as he tried to finish the sentence, making my heart ache for him.

"Grayson. I'm so fucking sorry."

"What did he do to deserve this?" I felt his tears start to stain my shirt so I sat both of us up and hugged him again.

"Nothing Grayson. It's just life." I held his head on my shoulder and rubbed his back, hoping to comfort him.

"I can't lose him." He mumbled, holding onto me tighter.

"I know baby. It'll all be okay. Just calm down." I shushed him softly and rubbed his back again, that seeming to calm him down more.

"I'm gonna drop out. I need to know he's gonna be okay." He lifted his head and painfully looked me in the eye.

"A part of me doesn't want you to, but I know that will take a lot of stress off your shoulders."

"I know we'll be farther apart, but I'm still gonna FaceTime you every day that I can. This..." he pointed to the both of us "Isn't over." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, then leaned in and pressed my lips against his.

"Everything's gonna be okay Gray. I'm not worried about us, you shouldn't either. Just focus on spending time with your dad while you can babe." He kissed me again then laid his head back on my shoulder.

I heard soft chuckles leave his mouth which made me confused. "I literally feel like running away from everything. Like I just need a break."

Thoughts raced my head of where he would go, but the idea of me going with him sounded better. A mini road trip? I know he deserves it. "Let's go. Pack a bag. We're leaving."

"What? What do you mean?" He lifted his head from my shoulder looking at me with furrowed eyebrows.

"We're running away. Just for the weekend though."

"Babe, this is crazy." He wiped his face with the collar of his shirt, drying the tears that fell.

"I know gray. But I think you deserve a break. I don't have class until Tuesday. It'd be nice to be just us two for a little bit."

"Where are we going?" He gave in, smiling at me, and standing up from his bed.

"I don't know. Somewhere that takes a few hours to get to." I watched him look on the map at somewhere close by.

"What about Richmond? It'll take like 6 hours and it looks really nice during the fall." He showed me the screen of his phone and I smiled up at him.

"Then lets go."

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