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"Awwww, my baby is finally a registered nurse"my mom hug me tightly

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"Awwww, my baby is finally a registered nurse"my mom hug me tightly. My father, little brother, step sister,  and brother on my dad side was also there. My step dad wasn't here. He didn't want to come which is good cause my dad don't like him.

"Thanks mom"I said. I hug my dad tightly and my siblings. My brother wasn't really into the whole ceremony. He said he hates doctors ever since my grandpa died from cancer. He quoted that "those nurses didn't do shit to help my grandpa" I had to tell him that they did their best to help him.

"Congratulations Harlow. Now you gone rich and all these hoes gone start hating on you"my step sister said.

Jenny just graduated high school. Hunter and Jenny just graduated. I had to tend two graduation ceremonies.  So tiring.

"Thanks girl"I laughed.

After the ceremony, me and my family went some seafood place. I was so happy that I'm finally a registered nurse. I can finally move out my mom house.

"So what we doing tonight?"Jenny ask.

"I really don't know but you are to young to be drinking"I said.

"You know damn well my dad ain't gone care about what I'm doing"She said. "Just as long you with me"

"Ima think of something"I smiled. We ate some seafood while talking about my childhood. My mom and dad was talking like they never talk to each other before. She doesn't really love my step dad. Jenny knows it too.

That night, I went home to my mom house so I can just sleep and relax. Finally.

{3 months later}

"Thanks mom"I said as I put my box of clothes in my new house. I'm so excited. I moved out my mother house into my own apartment. 

"It's nice tho. How much you spend on this apartment?"

"Ummmm, 7,000$"I said.

"Nice price"my mom sat on the couch. "I'm so proud of you Harlow"

"Mom, you said that 100 times"I said.

"And ima say it a thousand times. I'm so fucking proud of you"She smiled. "But I'm serious. Good thing you ain't like me"

"Please don't tell me the story again"I sigh.

"Your father and I was young Harlow. We didn't know what we was thinking. When I had you, I had to give you up to grandma while I tried to get my education"

"I know mom. Get your education first, boyfriend second, and then baby last"I smiled.

"Good"she got up from my couch. "You better be in church sunday"

"Okay"I laugh. My mom left out the door to her car. I was just standing by the door when this lady with three kids and pregnant came to the other apartment door. The kids was all talking and working on her nerves.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!!"she scream. I shut my door so she won't see me. Which I think she did.

But damn. She have up some children. Hope that won't be me.




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