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{ Harlow}

{1 week later}

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{1 week later}

Today was the court day. I'm so happy but also scared that they might not give Michael years. Not even life. I want him to have life in prison. Maybe the death penalty. Okay, I'm doing to much. I don't wish for him to die.

"You ready"Brian said tying his tie up.

"Mmmm, not sure"I rubbed my stomach as it twisted and turn.

"Look, I under you scared cause you don't want to see Michael nor talk about the day what happened to you"Brian said.

"I do, I'm just nervous that they won't give him enough time in prison"I said.

"Oh they will"Brian said. I nod my head and got up from the couch. "I'm just worried that Samantha found some more evidence of Cherie death"

"I hope so too"I said.

We walk outside to the car and hop in. Brian was driving to the court listening to some music while I looked outside the window thinking about what's gone happen. I really don't want to see Michael.


We walked in the court area seeing a lot of people. Brian told me that some of the people was his business workers and family. I didn't know Michael had a family. Well I knew about his  mom and dad but not cousins, aunt's, and uncle's.

They all looked at me and rolled their eyes. What they mad for? "I don't like this"I whisper.

"Just calm down"Brian said. I looked at the door and seen Michael walking out with 4 cops behind him. His lawyer sat down in the chair and then him. All I could do is stare at him. He irks me.

"All rise"the police said. We all stood up waiting for the judge to come in. Finally she did and we sat down.

"She might do us a good deed"Brian said.

"Why you say that?"I ask.

"Cause she hates Michael. Slept with her as well"Brian said. "She doesn't have HIV though"

"He slept with everybody in this town?"I ask.

"Not everybody"Brian said.

"What are we here for?"the judge ask.

"Today we have Michael B Jordan. Some said that he killed Cherie Hills in her backyard"some man said. All Michael did was shook his head and chuckle.

"Well, did you?"the judge ask Michael. Why she have to ask him that? He did it.

"No sweetheart. I didn't kill her"Michael said.

"The defendant can't speak your honor"Brian said standing up. Michael family all gasp and spoke up about Brian. They need to shut up. They don't know what the hell happened.

"Well Mr. Jordan, the brother. Are you....."

"Here to speak for my wife and her family"I turn around seeing Cherie family and her friends all crying. I feel bad.

"Okay"the judge nodded her head.

"Can Cherie friend, daveena come sit please"Michael lawyer said. The girl stood up wiping her eyes. She sat down and looked down at her hands I guess. "State your name"

"Its Deveena Armstrong"she said with an attitude to Michael lawyer. "I was Cherie Best friend"

"How did you meet Cherie?"the man ask.

"We met in highschool"Deveena said. "She was the popular girl everyone's friend"

"Where were you when she was shot in her own backyard?"

"I was driving home. She told me and my other friends to go home cause Michael was there"Deveena said.

"Was she happy or sad?"

"Cherie was happy. But I think he wanted to talk to Cherie because she went up to his new baby mama and told her that Michael had sex with Cherie"Deveena said.

"And what did Michael did when he came in?"

"We didn't see Michael. She told us to go out the front door and I saw his truck in the front. So either he went around the house to the backyard"

"Can you explain Cherie and Michael relationship?"

"Well, Cherie didn't really like Michael cause that was Brian brother. She didn't see anything in Michael but she told me that Brian was always gone and she thought that he was cheating on her, she decided to give it a try with Michael"Deveena said. "It wasn't all special with Michael and Cherie. All he wanted was sex and it was the same with her"

"Okay. Did you ever seen Michael threatening her before?"

"No not really"Deveena said.

"Thank you Deveena"the lawyer smiled at her. She got up from the chair and walk back to her seat. But before she did, she gave me the evil eye.

What the hell is going on?

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