T W E N T Y - S I X

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"Alright girl, you are all done"my hairdresser turn me around to the mirror so I can look at myself in the mirror

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"Alright girl, you are all done"my hairdresser turn me around to the mirror so I can look at myself in the mirror. I ain't gone lie. I do look like bad bitch that's bout to take somebody man. Let me stop.

"Thanks girl. I love it"I started playing with the hair, styling it, taking pictures. I loved it. I payed the my hairdresser her money and walk to my car. I hop in the car starting the ignition.

The drive to my house made me think about Michael and how I'ma tell him that I'm pregnant. What if I just invite him for dinner and then tell him? I have to tell him in front his face. I'ma be too weak to tell him on the phone. I don't want to tell him at the hospital. To much drama.

I pull up to my apartment seeing the lady with 3 kids outside snorting coke. What the fuck is wrong with her? I hop out the car closing the door then walk to my apartment door. I stop once I heard the baby crying in the apartment. I turn around looking at the lady snorting her coke with her little boyfriend or supplier.

"Excuse me"I called her but she didn't look up. She kept snorting her  coke. "Excuse me!!"the supplier look up at me and tap the lady.

"What bitch?"she said with an attitude.

"Do you even hear your baby crying in there? What kind of mother are you?"I ask. She didn't say anything. She gave her rolled up dollar bill to the dude. She got up making her way up to me. She touch my hair which made me smack her hand away.

"What kind of woman are you?"she ask.


"You sleeping with Michael huh"she said.

"No Samantha"I said calling out her name. I know who she is. I know that Michael knows her. But I want to know how.

She smirked at me and nod her head. "You know, Michael ain't the right one for you. I bet you pregnant for him right now huh"

"N-No"I stuttered. My only weakness when I lie.

"Stop lying"she said. "You are pregnant"

"You gone tell him?"

"Baby, that ain't my business to tell him about his second baby mama being pregnant"

Second baby mama? "Who's the first?"I ask.

"You looking at em"

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